Did he actually say this?“Competed their tails off”
Doubled down on the o-line being fine...
Did he actually say this?
I don't even want to watch.
He did. In response to the very first question. I honestly think it has become intentional for him to use it since we have called him out on it all the time.
I appreciate him using booze to draw fans to the UTM game. Gives a chance for a new drinking game - have a drink every time a Stockstill says compete in any form.
Then again, we will run out of beer by halftime if everyone plays.
I go to a football game to watch my team play good football, not to “have cold one.”
Does anyone else feel like Stock is giving you the middle finger every time he uses the C word.
Yes.Does anyone else feel like Stock is giving you the middle finger every time he uses the C word.
I can’t believe any of you bothered to take the time to watch that press conference.
We're Blue Raider fans. We're tough. Almost warrior like.I can’t believe any of you bothered to take the time to watch that press conference.