BASKETBALL Portal Recap: First Thoughts on the 2025 Roster

Excellent roster breakdown. I just wish we had some quality coaches to train our team this upcoming season.
I still stand by the idea that Middle Tennessee has had only one coach who made a positive impact on its roster in the years since Kermit's departure. MT's coaching staff's been relatively stable & the same during the CNM era except for one name, Turner Battle in the 2021-2022 season. Prior to coming hear Battle had coached along side coaches Jared Haase, Will Wade, & Greg Heiar. Pretty knowledgeable & successful coaches. Unfortunately Heiar later had the terrible situation to occur at NMSU, but nonetheless his prior coaching record had been stellar.
Too bad Turner Battle was never given the opportunity to be a head coach somewhere. I think his knowledge & skill as an assistant was very impactful on the 2021 squad. I have the feeling if he had stayed on we wouldn't have seen all those +25 point blow outs since his departure. Good coaches can make fair to decent players better. Average coaches allow average players to falter in their skill & development. While I wish the new team all the best. My fear is our current coaching staff represents the latter of the two skill sets.
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And it's literally near zero percent. I hope some people don't live their real lives in the fantasy that they do on message boards.
He’s going to coach forever? I know he’s not getting fired before this season; I read CMs statement. But until he retires, dies, or is fired I wont support the program.