Obama's America

Pentagon Refuses to Arm Military Recruiters - Tells Them to "Close the Blinds"

After last week’s terrorist attack at military recruitment centers in Chattanooga — you know, the one where four Marines and a Navy sailor were murdered by a radical Jihadist — you’d think the first order of business for the Pentagon would be to remove gun-free zones from these places so our men and women in uniform could protect themselves.

Nope. Not on Obama’s watch.

Rather than look for a way to make things safer for troops at these locations, the Pentagon doubles down on it’s idiocy, refusing to let these individuals arm themselves, suggesting they “close the blinds” instead.

Idiot isn’t a strong enough word to describe those who actually support this idea.

So either the folks at the Pentagon are dumber than a sack full of dog poop, they are big government progressives who want to keep the president happy by pushing his agenda, or they hate our military. Perhaps some strange combination of all three.

The solution to preventing this kind of thing from happening again is simple: arm the soldiers.

I mean, this is really a no brainer.

Just about every mass shooting happens in a gun-free zone.

I’ll give you three guesses why, but chances are you won’t need two of them.

It’s because unarmed targets — like those in a gun-free zone — are easier to pick off, and there’s little to no risk of the shooter taking a bullet to his empty brain from an armed citizen.

In other words, the only thing gun-free zones are good for is creating a human shooting range for deranged nuts and radical Jihadis.

Let’s hope this new bill takes off and is passed so our men and women can have the means to defend themselves from evil terrorists who want to spill their blood.

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