Huckabee's entry into the race...


Blue Raider Legend
Gold Member
Jul 22, 2001
God's Country
Not a big fan of Beck, but he has a suspicion about Huckabee, that may have some truth to it, given Huckabee's RINO tendencies...

"...I think he’s being put in as a spoiler. I think that’s the only thing. I really do. I think he’s there because he’ll pull religious votes away from Ted Cruz. And that’s the one that big government progressives are afraid of. The establishment is afraid of Ted Cruz and Rand Paul. They’re going to do everything they can to make sure those two are nowhere to be seen when it comes to Election Day. And so if you want to take care of Ted Cruz, you go after the religious base. And you split the religious base. And that’s what Mike Huckabee is doing”
I'm with you on Beck, but he's right about Huckabee's intentions. He helped team with McCain in 2008 to ensure his nomination, and is doing the same thing for Bush this go around to pull votes away from Cruz. Huckabee was not a good governor and I also believe he has no chance of winning. I wonder how much the RINO's are paying him to enter this time?