Hillary- 'All my grandparents' came to the U.S. from foreign countries


Hall of Famer
Dec 10, 2006
What do the fake Indian, Elizabeth Warren, and Hillary have in common? It seems they both tend to bend the truth about their heritage (see link). Also, today Hillary met three "spontaneous" people at a coffee shop in Iowa but it was later found out that they were set up. As it turns out, all three were driven to the coffee shop by Hillary's people and one of them was actually a driver for Joe Biden at one time. And the hits just keep on coming.

'All my grandparents' came to the U.S. from...
The strange thing about Hillary Clinton's lies is how many of them are petty and so easily exposed. Like the time she claimed to be named after Sir Edmund Hillary or claimed that Chelsea was jogging around the WTC during 9/11 or claimed that she landed at Kosovo under sniper fire.

This one may be the most baffling of them all.
In Iowa on Wednesday, Clinton told a roundtable of small-business owners, "All my grandparents, you know, came over here, and you know my grandfather went to work in a lace mill in Scranton, Pennsylvania."
According to BuzzFeed, census records show that Clinton has only one immigrant grandparent - her father's father, Hugh Rodham Sr., who was born in the United Kingdom. The rest of Clinton's grandparents were born in the United States.
In response to questions about the accuracy of her comments, a Clinton campaign spokesperson told People magazine that "[h]er grandparents always spoke about the immigrant experience and, as a result she has always thought of them as immigrants."[/QUOTE]
Hillary can get away with that when it comes to great-grandparents. But imagining that her grandparents were immigrants is really pushing it. This was a lie that was always going to be exposed, but Hillary has a history of telling these strange lies.
It's what led William Safire to accuse her of being a compulsive liar.
This is a woman who lied about traveling to Africa with her husband and who claimed she was flat broke and learned to make a killing in cattle futures from the Wall Street Journal. These were all stupid lies, easily dug up and exposed.
On top of everything else, Hillary has some real issues.

BBJ and Mike, one commenter from the article said it best by stating the following:

I don't disagree that Hillary has a whole host of issues (mendacity, narcissism, impervious to shame, and blatant stupidity) but the fools who support and promote her are the ones who have REAL issues.

Hillary Lies About Grandparents Being Immigrants
"...but the fools who support and promote her are the ones who have REAL issues."

Flash, you're so right, my friend. They are the ones that are so gullible as to believe her.

Sadly, our pathetic, liberal-biased mainstream media is also largely to blame, as they always look the other way and never expose her for her lies.