Effects of the Affordable Care Act on Economic Productivity


Hall of Famer
Dec 10, 2006
In this article, Professor Casey Mulligan, Ph.D., validates everything that we already know about the ACA (see link). I'm just curious if anyone has a similar link to how the same ACA is going to save us $2500 a year as promised, along with letting us keep our plans and doctors?

Effects of the Affordable Care Act
Originally posted by nashvillegoldenflash:

I'm just curious if anyone has a similar link to how the same ACA is going to save us $2500 a year as promised, along with letting us keep our plans and doctors?
Flash, it is possible to budget for food, housing etc., for a population, but there is no limit to the amount of healthcare that people will consume if somebody else is paying for it. Patients can always demand another test, procedure, hospitalization and eventually a transplant. There is an infinite demand with only finite resources. So the"single-payer" always has to end up by rationing care. This is usually done by either not allowing certain procedures to be performed or drugs to be used, or by increasing waiting times.
22 modern and industrialized countries with national healthcare and all have been working well for decades. I've talked with 3 different Canadian friends about their healthcare, all different ages (20s, 40s and 60s) and every last one of them has told me that their healthcare system works just fine. For one thing; patients can't "demand" more and more. It has to be a warranted treatment, e.g., you need it to survive and live a healthy life. You can't just go in and demand a treatment that isn't needed. I use a national healthcare system via the VA. I've not had one issue and that's with a serious medical condition. Even with all of the "problems" with the VA, me and my fellow veterans that I know have done just fine in that system and it covers a lot of people. Say what you want, but a national system works if a country watches for abuse, which we could.

This post was edited on 12/22 1:13 PM by BlueRaiderFan