Cruz Takes Lead for First Time in Reuters National Poll


All American
Jul 9, 2010
Cruz Takes Lead for First Time in Reuters National Poll

By Todd Beamon | Tuesday, 05 Apr 2016 05:14 PM

For the first time, Ted Cruz Tuesday surpassed Republican presidential rival Donald Trump nationally in the weekly Reuters tracking poll — by just two points after a week of debacles ranging from the front-runner's switches on abortion to his campaign manager being charged with simple battery for allegedly grabbing a news reporter.

Here are the results of the poll:
  • Cruz: 39 percent.
  • Trump: 37 percent.
  • John Kasich: 23 percent.
The New York billionaire has regularly cited the Reuters tracking poll in speeches and television interviews.

Meanwhile, Cruz has pulled into a statistical dead heat with Trump, a different Reuters/Ipsos national poll showed on Tuesday, as the Texas senator appeared poised to pick up a key victory in Wisconsin's primary.

Trump has led almost continually in national Reuters/Ipsos polling since last July. Ohio Governor John Kasich, the only other Republican still in the race for the party's nomination, placed third in Tuesday's Reuters/Ipsos poll, with 18.7 percent.

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