FOOTBALL College Football Hall of Fame

I guess this occurred 12-13 years ago while at work. I officed next to a guy who played DT at a D-3 school in the Midwest. Also knew his team didn’t lose a game during his 4 years.
One day he & I were working late and he came over to my office and threw these folded papers on my desk and said “you follow this stuff, fill it out and give it back “.
I look it over and it’s that years HOF ballot.
I go back to his office and say “ how did you get this and without looking up he says I’m in the College Football HOF and I get to vote every year “.
I said “you & I worked together 5-6 years and you never told me you were in the HOF. To which he said, you never asked”?
One of the most humble people I know. Played at a D-3 school and was elected the first year he was eligible.
Pretty much every year the past 7-8 years several of us get together and help him complete his ballot. We convene next Tuesday to help him fill out this years ballot.
Everyone takes it pretty seriously and we have some spirited debates. Proud to say the first year we helped him do this, Boots was on the ballot and got in!
Pretty blessed to say I have 2 good friends in the college football HOF: Boots & LT.
Hopefully we can get another Blue Raider in one of these years.
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