Cody Clark transferring


Hall of Famer
Sep 16, 2006
Clark has been granted his release from the team and was offered a scholarship by Division I-AA member Citadel in Charleston, South Carolina, where he has an official visit this weekend.

“I’m very proud of my time at MTSU,” Clark said. “I gave myself a work ethic and I’ve gotten to do a lot of cool things and have had awesome teammates. I’m very blessed and thankful for the one year that I was actually on scholarship.”

After Clark was granted his release, incoming freshman kicker Crews Holt accepted a scholarship at MTSU.

Other specialists under scholarship include Canon Rooker, William Eads and Matt Binaries."
Aw come on guys. We all know how benevolent Coach Stock is. Shoot he even "donated" his $100,000 raise back to the school in exchange for an 8-year guaranteed contract.

Let's see if Mark Owen is just as anxious to run this news over to all the media outlets.
Clark is (was) the FG kicker who has the streak of extra points going and is not the kicker who failed consistently to not get kickoffs into the end zone, correct?

If so, why him? It seems to me that limited range on FGs is not the detriment to the team that short and inconsistent kickoffs are.
I would think the news of that makes all walk on's competing to get a scholarship feel kind of weary. Not all walk ons are scrubs. A lot of them probably could have gotten scholarships at lower division schools, but decided they would rather play for an FBS school and have a chance to earn a scholarship. The number of kids that would like to do that at MT might diminish.
If you're good enough, you'll keep your scholarship. It sucks, but in reality, it's a business. Can't complain about how we should be doing better on the field and taking our play to the next level and then complain when we let someone go an replace him with someone (potentially) better. Can't have it both ways.
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This is the reality of colliege football these days. It's a school pulling a scholarship offer to a kid that had been committed for 2 years, the week before signing day. It's a school signing 27 players to a LOI, then asking 2 to greyshirt after signing.

It's a business and its getting cutthroat every year.

Crews Holt, or whoever we have kicking next year, better be good.
Even after the NCAA banned multi-year scholarships in 1973, I can't think of a single ex-teammate of mine who did not have his scholarship renewed every year during their 4-5 year eligibility. The spirit of the rule was to eliminate schools like the Bamas and Ole Misses from signing 120 guys in one year and then running them off. I played at Memphis State from '76-80 and we signed a new grant-in-aid agreement at the end of the Spring semester every year. This includes guys who suffered injuries as well. I still have my original framed and the renewals in a pocket in the back. Granted, we had a "95 rule" instead of the current "85 rule" but for Stock to award this kid a schollie and then yank it in the manner as alleged is completely classless. Just my humble opinion.
I definitely don't blame kid for leaving and I would have done the same thing. I'm really surprised he didn't say **** and leave that week before school started. NTM, they just signed a freshman kicker to a scholarship? Really.
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Stock oughta be critiquing the entire defensive staff and their players starting with the first half of WKU and the 4th Qtrs. of Vandy, LaTech and WMU.

Some of those folks need to be run off as well if that's the way he's gonna run the program going forward.
Stock said in his interview with Chip that right before signing day, Cody came to him and requested to leave and that's why Stock signed the kicker. That kicker was a last minute signing. If you see his video, that new kid nailed a FG from the 45 yard line as a senior in H.S. Good pickup. No offense to Cody, but this Crews kid is a huge upgrade. He's the best kicker in the state. Do we want to win games or get pissed after we go wide left vs. Illinois and UTEP? That was the difference between 7 wins and a bowl game in 2014 and 8 wins this year. I think he missed a FG vs. VU too. The kid gets a scholly now and all is well. He can go there and miss FG's now. We all win.
Stock said in his interview with Chip that right before signing day, Cody came to him and requested to leave and that's why Stock signed the kicker. That kicker was a last minute signing. If you see his video, that new kid nailed a FG from the 45 yard line as a senior in H.S. Good pickup. No offense to Cody, but this Crews kid is a huge upgrade. He's the best kicker in the state. Do we want to win games or get pissed after we go wide left vs. Illinois and UTEP? That was the difference between 7 wins and a bowl game in 2014 and 8 wins this year. I think he missed a FG vs. VU too. The kid gets a scholly now and all is well. He can go there and miss FG's now. We all win.

I would think the news of that makes all walk on's competing to get a scholarship feel kind of weary. Not all walk ons are scrubs. A lot of them probably could have gotten scholarships at lower division schools, but decided they would rather play for an FBS school and have a chance to earn a scholarship. The number of kids that would like to do that at MT might diminish.

They can go elsewhere then. No program rises or falls based on players who aren't deemed good enough to play at this level in the first place. We won't either.

These walk-on's know what their signing up for. 1 in a 100 might get placed on 'ship for a year, maybe. This ain't no-cut high school. This happens everywhere.

This is just like anything in life - if you're good enough, then you will be rewarded. The ones who earn it will stay. Those who don't will be replaced.
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A few points to consider (some have been mentioned already):

1) All scholarships are 1 year deals
2) Most of the time, when a walk-on earns a scholarship, it is the result of the the team having one extra scholarship heading into the fall and using it to honor a hard working walk-on. Depending on team needs, the one year scholarship may or may not be renewed.
3) While it stinks that Cody didn't find out that there would not be a scholarship for him in 2015, athletes know their scholarships are one year deals and he should have made preparations to return to walk-on status.

In the article, Cody comes across as a whiny kid who decided to take his ball and go home when he wasn't given a scholarship. While Blue Raider fans should appreciation his contributions to the team over the past few years, it was time for both parties to move on.
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What I gathered from the article is that he wasn't necessarily mad about not getting the scholarship renewed but the way Stock went about it.
A few points to consider (some have been mentioned already):

1) All scholarships are 1 year deals
2) Most of the time, when a walk-on earns a scholarship, it is the result of the the team having one extra scholarship heading into the fall and using it to honor a hard working walk-on. Depending on team needs, the one year scholarship may or may not be renewed.
3) While it stinks that Cody didn't find out that there would not be a scholarship for him in 2015, athletes know their scholarships are one year deals and he should have made preparations to return to walk-on status.

In the article, Cody comes across as a whiny kid who decided to take his ball and go home when he wasn't given a scholarship. While Blue Raider fans should appreciation his contributions to the team over the past few years, it was time for both parties to move on.
There's only one point to consider (if it is true).....that Stock kept this kid in limbo all Summer and then tells him at the start of Fall training camp. There's a reason for that. Don't kid yourself.
There's only one point to consider (if it is true).....that Stock kept this kid in limbo all Summer and then tells him at the start of Fall training camp. There's a reason for that. Don't kid yourself.

Didn't Cutrer show up kind of out of the blue last fall camp?

Could be that we added a player that, at the beginning of summer, wasn't available to us.

Who knows. The coach's main responsibility is to put out the best 85 players that he can, not give charity 'ships to walk ons.
I think its all a bit slimy...if you going to yank a kids scholarship you do it at the end of the season or worst case after spring. You don't do it right before the season, what if Clark didn't have the money or missed deadlines to get aid, etc.. Its a classless move IMHO. I don't like it.
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Another thing to consider is his best friend on the team was Grammer. This type of thing can metastasize in clicks like this. I would say this falls in the catagory of "nothing to see. move along"
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I think its all a bit slimy...if you going to yank a kids scholarship you do it at the end of the season or worst case after spring. You don't do it right before the season, what if Clark didn't have the money or missed deadlines to get aid, etc.. Its a classless move IMHO. I don't like it.
Again according to stock that's not how it happened. My guess is people who clambered "fire Stock" will believe Clark the ones that didn't will trust Stock. I will trust him until he gives me a reason not to.
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Again according to stock that's not how it happened. My guess is people who clambered "fire Stock" will believe Clark the ones that didn't will trust Stock. I will trust him until he gives me a reason not to.

My comment was based on Clark's account...regardless of the details , I don't like the whole 1 year thing. So my feeling is if you offer a guy a scholarship its for keeps unless they break rules, etc.

Based on Stock's recollection, I think he should make this stuff public when it happens so there isn't this question months later.

If Stock under performs we have to pay him if we ask him to leave, meanwhile, a player just gets his ship taken away. Its a double standard.
What I've seen in this offseason more than any other is that Stock wants to win. I've seen more fire from him in his actions than in any other time he's been here. He wasn't happy with 7 wins. He wasn't happy after the bowl loss and he made wholesale changes to our offense and the recruiting was friggin on point this year.

Cody triggered this move but also knew that missing FG's in key games is not good and his position wasn't gonna be safe. He then made the decision to go shopping and Stock had his option ready and made it happen to get Crews.

You think the Doc over at Marshall didn't go after a kicker this offseason? He didn't throw his headset because he was happy with missing 5 straight which is the only reason we beat Marshall. BTW, Cody missed the game winner in 2OT and gave UM another shot to kill us. He eventually hit one but it took 3 tries.

Here's the deal. We criticize Stock for not being aggressive and losing games now some of you are criticizing him for being aggressive and getting the best kicker in the state who kicked a 52+ yarder like it was nothing. The P5 schools do the same thing. What if we win a championship and this Crews kid gets it done? Will we be saying Stock was wrong for pulling the ship? I want to win. If you can't get it done, then we need the best players here. Spurrier and other big name coaches do this all the time. It's not a big deal.
There's only one point to consider (if it is true).....that Stock kept this kid in limbo all Summer and then tells him at the start of Fall training camp. There's a reason for that. Don't kid yourself.
Happens all the time in reverse order (kid goes into camp without scholarship and finds out he gets one). Plus, it is likely Stock wanted to see how the scholarships lined up heading into fall camp.
Winners aren't victims that feel betrayed. They just go out, work, get it done, and take the blame when crap happens.

I felt betrayed after the FIU and UTEP games when he and his cousin jacked our season in 2014. I also felt equally betrayed when he wide left vs. Illinois. Now he gets to go shank kicks at the Citadel for free. Yay!

Nobody else offered him squat out of high school or gave him a chance to play college football besides Stock anyway so how did he get screwed? This was on him. He'll be ok once he changes his diapers and realizes that things won't always go his way when he wants it to. If he acts like that down at the Citadel, they'll boot him through the uprights. Good luck. Glad to have the upgrade in Crews Holt.
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Winners aren't victims that feel betrayed. They just go out, work, get it done, and take the blame when crap happens.

I felt betrayed after the FIU and UTEP games when he and his cousin jacked our season in 2014. I also felt equally betrayed when he wide left vs. Illinois. Now he gets to go shank kicks at the Citadel for free. Yay!

Nobody else offered him squat out of high school or gave him a chance to play college football besides Stock anyway so how did he get screwed? This was on him. He'll be ok once he changes his diapers and realizes that things won't always go his way when he wants it to. If he acts like that down at the Citadel, they'll boot him through the uprights. Good luck. Glad to have the upgrade in Crews Holt.
Yet you give a free pass to those "winners" who just waved at running backs and wide receivers as they flat ran by them in Bowling Green, Ruston and the Bahamas. It's easy to second guess a kicker from the cheap seats.
Dang are cold blooded on Clark. I admit, guys I usually agree with are blowing my mind in this thread. Lets go ahead and call out all the other crap performances that have cost us games and pull there ships...Funny, you never hear the HC say after recruiting, well, we signed the max but you know we have a few under performers and are looking to upgrade - those under performers need to get after it.

If Clark was a problem why is this the first we are ever hearing it? Even if he was, why wait till the last minute. We don't look good on this one. It doesn't feel right to me.
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If Clark was a problem why is this the first we are ever hearing it? Even if he was, why wait till the last minute. We don't look good on this one. It doesn't feel right to me.
You're right. If it was done last minute, that is a bad look for us. I'm just saying I trust Stocks version of the story. Especially when I look at this kid's outside influences. How many kids have come through here, walk on or other wise? If that was the way Stock operates I don't think it would take a decade for us to hear about it. This sounds like an Onion article I read this week about a girl misreading her boyfriend's break up attempts as hints of of him wanting to propose.

Edit- I googled the Onion article. Just made the rounds on fb but turns out it is old. Here it is if you want a chuckle.
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Come on man, you telling me that UTEP 0 for 2 didn't piss you off? FIU and Illinois?

Personally, I would free up about 20 ships if I could but they aren't whining and this dude was. Our offense had the ability to control games like a WKU who had a crap defense too BTW. Their O ran things. Ours sputtered and when we get up to the 1 yard line, it's a fumble or turnover on downs or we shank the FG. We hit the FG and score 3 times from the 1 this year, we win 10 games. You can say what you want about the D. The O didn't get it done and then this dude goes and cries to the papers. Really? Go shank a kick in SC.

Why would Stock lie? He gave him a shot when no one else did. Crews Holt is worth going after. He's the best kicker in the state and was the MVP in the state championship game. Since when was there ever a kicker in HS winning a MVP award? I'm surprised a SEC team didn't get this kid but they typically don't put kickers on scholarships. Clark told Stock he was leaving in November and Stock made his move.

As far as our D goes, who else stopped WKU in CUSA? Who else even made it close besides LT? LaTech had 2 of the best players they've had in a long time. So it was BAMA, WKU and LaTech. The O controlled those other games. Straight up. WMU beat a top 25 team. We turn it over on their 1 and threw a pick in the 4th. You score and call a different play, we are tied. Tony Franklin will get us that production and he will lose his mind if the kicker blows a game. Trust me. Cody made the right move. He couldn't handle TF.
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