FB RECRUITING Big bang on the recruiting trail

We're now getting players that Liberty, JMU, & other good programs wanted. This shows two things to me.
1) The incredible potential I always thought Middle Tennessee had for acquiring local talent. Boots knew this back in the 1980's, & did a great job recruiting the mid-south & Tennessee for quality athletes. Sad it disappeared for so long.
And 2) how bass ackwards the old staff was concerning recruiting locally.
It re-asserts how angry I was at where we were at recently, & yet how happy I am for the new direction we are going.
I know people personally who felt that Stock was in a terrible situation because for years we had no facilities upgrades in development during his watch. Those people blamed the administration more so than Stock for our failures in winning.
I can get that point to a certain extent, but that still had nothing to do with not trying to get good quality local players.
I'm glad CDM & his staff get it. Not every player has to be from within a 100 mile radius, but we are a directional school & the name Middle Tennessee is worthy of being a proud namesake for our community. Not to get sentimental or corny, but I think it's great to see local young men who are showing the commitment & desire to stay home & wanting to be part of something special here. And the same for the coaching staff that's taken charge of fostering that ideal.
I have no clue if CDM is the guy long term, and I hope he is in the SEC in 5 years, but I do feel 100% confident he is what we needed now.

He is restoring local recruiting relationships, he is establishing good ties with our fan base, and he is drawing in local interest from the community. From a coaching change that is EVERYTHING we needed to happen here. I don’t know if it will result in wins but I know those things can only help the program long term.
These are basic things why some of us were saying over a decade ago that we needed change. It didn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that CRS was capping our ability to reach potential and that he wasn’t doing the things that needed to be done to win a championship.
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I have no clue if CDM is the guy long term, and I hope he is in the SEC in 5 years, but I do feel 100% confident he is what we needed now.

He is restoring local recruiting relationships, he is establishing good ties with our fan base, and he is drawing in local interest from the community. From a coaching change that is EVERYTHING we needed to happen here. I don’t know if it will result in wins but I know those things can only help the program long term.
Give him a couple years and the program should be rocking and rolling IMO
Think he'll likely be gone in 4 years, possibly less. Without the restrictions of coaching at Vanderbilt he's capable of knocking it out of the park here. When he gets his 10-11 game win season at MT plenty of state sponsored G4 schools will be all over him. Best recommendation to CDM, just stay away from most of the privately owned elite schools.
Will be a good ride while it lasts.
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Just comes down to how committed MT is to having a great football program. If they just want to make bowl games then Mason probably won't be here long. To make money you got to spend money
If he is gone in 4-5 yrs for a HC at a Power program, great! That isn't that I want him gone, just if the program improves enough for us to be poached, it means we chose the right person and did it right. Do it again and keep going.

My only request if that happens...a champ before he leaves. This year just making a bowl is acceptable. Next year more, the next even more.

By the same token he loves the area. If he continuously wins 8-10 games and a few champs and wants to stay here 20yrs while winning at that level that whole time, that is fine by me too.
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