A covert military operation

“A quick Military and Federal Law and Order summary to understand what is taking place and has been going on for 7 years”

"The only President who Federalized the Reserve Components (National Guard) to Active-Duty was Donald John Trump, on March 27, 2020, with a direct Military Order which is Command from the CIC. It was placed in Executive Order 13912 which was a 'no more than' two CONSECUTIVE years order, meaning to be reviewed and extended as needed, which has been extended to March 2024.

World War II Laws and Orders are on repeat mixed with Military Laws, Orders, Regulations, and Federal Laws, Orders, Statutes, Acts, and Codes."

Cult of Baal

"No one said that taking out a 6,000-year-old death cult would be easy, but we’re here to do it anyway. This diagram follows a timeline of an occult belief system that relishes in human sacrifice and war, migrates from one culture to the next, and uses banking as a tool for global dominance."
"We have it all. All of the illicit wealth in the world has been tracked by the NSA for the past 15 years."