UNIVERSITY NEWS MT celebrates BRAA donors


...The Blue Raider Athletic Association, supporting MTSU student-athletes since 1987, is committed to providing the critical resources needed for Blue Raiders to excel academically, athletically, and in our community. For more information about the BRAA or membership opportunities, please visit

The BRAA finished the 2023-24 season with over 1,200 members, including 316 new members. Membership starts at $100 per year and comes with exclusive benefits.
316 new members is impressive. Glad to see they are getting some movement with the BRAA.
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FOOTBALL Middle Tennessee vs Tennessee Tech (ESPN+), 6PM, Saturday, August 31, 2024

Glad yall enlightened me on Harvey. I had never heard about it.

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UNIVERSITY NEWS MT celebrates BRAA donors


...The Blue Raider Athletic Association, supporting MTSU student-athletes since 1987, is committed to providing the critical resources needed for Blue Raiders to excel academically, athletically, and in our community. For more information about the BRAA or membership opportunities, please visit

The BRAA finished the 2023-24 season with over 1,200 members, including 316 new members. Membership starts at $100 per year and comes with exclusive benefits.
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Reactions: ewglenn

FOOTBALL Middle Tennessee vs Tennessee Tech (ESPN+), 6PM, Saturday, August 31, 2024

While I was in college in the early 70s, a fraternity mananged to have some of their members impersonate Tech ROTC students who managed to 'retrieve' Harvey (called by TTU 'shinny ninny') from the Tech bookstore where it was on display for publicity photos at Overall Field that the students claimed the tech sports department wanted. It was taken back to the Middle Tennessee campus and was great publicity for the college all week. At the end of the week, a delegation of students from Tech traveled to the 'boro' to receive back the totem pole but had to wait while MT students put on pep rally of MT students gathered at the Cope Administration Bldg. The week was capped off by a road trip for MT football to Cookeville where it lost for the 5th straight loss for MT in the series.
In 1980 or 1981, TTU students faked a seizure in the back of the Bookstore.... In the confusion, other's removed Harvey and took it to Cookville...
A couple of weeks later, a call was received stating the location of the totem pole in Cookeville. Several Sigma Chi's took off to get it.... After searching several fraternity houses (it was 10 in the morning and they were in class), they dejectedly started back to the Boro. On their way to the Interstate, they kidnapped the Eagle mascot from a fast food restaurant and took him to the Boro....

Long story short....
Harvey was returned and has never left...

FOOTBALL Middle Tennessee vs Tennessee Tech (ESPN+), 6PM, Saturday, August 31, 2024

While I was in college in the early 70s, a fraternity managed to have some of their members impersonate Tech ROTC students who managed to 'retrieve' Harvey (called by TTU 'shinny ninny') from the Tech bookstore where it was on display for publicity photos at Overall Field that the students claimed the tech sports department wanted. It was taken back to the Middle Tennessee campus and was great publicity for the college all week. At the end of the week, a delegation of students from Tech traveled to the 'boro' to receive back the totem pole but had to wait while MT students put on pep rally of MT students gathered at the Cope Administration Bldg. The week was capped off by a road trip for MT football to Cookeville where it lost for the 5th straight loss for MT in the series.

Love this story. Thanks Space. Glad Massaro is leaning into the rivalry. It's good for both schools and both fan bases.

I'm never a fan of running up the score, but if CDM wanted to pull a Woody Hayes and go for 2 because he can't go for 3, I'm all for it.

Feels good to be excited for football season again.

FOOTBALL Fall Camp, 2024

Good article. Josh Smith is THE guy for the edge position for this defense. They were very intentional with the analyst hires they made.
