Update on construction....

We've been told it is phase 3. The loading dock move for Murphy is underway and will be done by the time the SAPC is finished. Then Murphy will be renovated with luxury boxes, football offices/locker rooms removed, new main entrance beside the SAPC, etc. Unless someone donates for it in full making $ earmarked just for an IPF, we are easily 5yrs from it between Muprhy construction and fundraising. It will just be prefab metal with HVAC and some brick, but will wind up costing way more by waiting. Still no confirmation on if the track is being moved there from Murphy with some seating.

I don't agree with doing Murphy first, but they have their reason

North Texas has an IPF out here in Denton and it is similar design to what you just said. It is nice and wish we at least had something sooner than 5 years. Maybe we have a great year and get some new high worth donors this year!!

Fan Day on Saturday, August 24 @ Floyd Stadium

Not sure how much fun it would be for me going by myself.
Totally get that. Hopefully it grows and makes it worth everyone's while.

I asked Lee beforehand if we'd be having an equipment sale. He said we didnt have enough old equipment this year. (Surprising since we got new FB jerseys)

WVU has one every year on Fan Day and releases a list before of what they have. Amount of jerseys, colors, shorts, shoes, etc with costs. all very reasonable. And not just football either. I'd love if we got to the point of doing that. Buy an old 11 jersey and get Nick to sign it. A game issued football and get CDM, etc. My son would love to have a MT soccer jersey as he's stopped football and gone full in on soccer.

We will just keep growing the program and get there. Baby steps. 😀
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Update on construction....

If I am in charge the first thing I do after the football facility is done is brick the football stadium to match the baseball stadium. The grey we have is just awful and cheap looking.
I've always wondered what it would cost to glass in the sides with what's on the Murphy Center.

I understand it may not be feasible, but if we could enclose it and make the 1st and 2nd level like a club area. Also, give somewhere to go in inclement weather. Blue turf inside it.
