College Athletics Future: NIL & Saudi Oil?


All Conference
Gold Member
Aug 11, 2022
Listened to an interesting topic on the radio this afternoon. The topic was, is the PGA & LIV Golf the tip of the upcoming iceberg? Is college football & the NIL the next phase for Saudi Oil.
The proposition was would conferences & schools in need of NIL money accept a contract to promote their football teams in exchange for premium oil companies advertising & any contract ramifications included by the Saudi elite?
As stated these oil magnates have working funds in access of $750 billion. Not millions, but billions.
Let's take a smaller D1 football conference with 10 teams with practically zero NIL funds or collectives. Next step would be to set a $50 million NIL contract with said conference & their commissioner. Does commissioner get a signing commission? Of course, besides it's for the good of the conference.
Next we divide the $50 mill to 10 schools which gives a $5 million NIL pkg per each school for football. Tremendous money for the schools & conference. Chump change to the Saudi oil magnates.
As a school you have the right to morally say no thank you. However those funds would be divided to the schools who did sign. What do you do? Of course you have to sign.
After just a couple years the P5 starts realizing they don't like losing a lot of their 3 & 4 star players to the Sunbelt, CUSA, & the MAC. Now the Saudi's reel in the big boys too.
It was an interesting topic.
So question is, how close will this be to reality as the possible next phase of NIL & college athletics. And if so how soon from now could we see the 1st remnants of this beginning & what would be all it's ramifications?
I find the whole thing nauseating. I'm ready for the end of college athletics and the rise of minor leagues.
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Concerning comments, I think Lynn spoke for all of us pretty well. 👏👏👏
Maybe an unpopular opinion, but if that is what it takes to bring parity (for some time) to college athletics, then Im all for it.
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Maybe an unpopular opinion, but if that is what it takes to bring parity (for some time) to college athletics, then Im all for it.
I would like some parity as well. But dealing with the Saudis just feels dirty to me.

But I suppose it's not too much different then dealing with billion-dollar American corporations and oligarchs.
Maybe an unpopular opinion, but if that is what it takes to bring parity (for some time) to college athletics, then Im all for it.
The only way to have parity is to have equal revenue sharing, and the Big P3 not having that.
I don’t think this stops with nil. Saudi’s own golf now right?
Sports Illustrated put out a column about the merger to paraphrase, "make no mistake about it LIV Golf & the Saudi's lost, the PGA won in this merger." My reaction was, "your kidding me, right?". I think your statement is pretty much on par. Pun not intended.
The only positive is that the radio broadcast concerning the NIL was speculation towards the future. Basically a conspiracy theory thus far. It actually hasn't started as of yet, I was just putting this out there to see how strongly people felt towards this theory actually taking place in the near future.
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The crazy thing to me is why are we even bothering with an education anymore? It's just in the way. Why don't they just create a minor league football organization, pay the guys and then a few years later they go to the NFL.

The education aspect doesn't even matter anymore. It seems a little outdated to even have these top players even being tied to the hip with a University and required to study and get an education.