Parker Gone

Hate to hear that and won't speculate on what she did this time but I like that Insell has the integrity to kick his best player off when she doesn't live up to his and the school's standards. I seem to remember a wku womens player getting arrested a while back and only missing a game or two, if that.

As far as on the court, this hurts bad. Everybody knows CP's on court impact and it can't be replicated. Hopefully RR will continue to progress and fill in as much as possible. I feel like she is by far the most improved player over the course of this season.

This post was edited on 2/27 5:23 PM by BlueRaider95
Man what a blow... I don't know what the infractions were that led to this decision but you would have to think it was pretty serious for them to kick arguably the best player off the team this late into the season. Kudos to Insell though for setting the standard and sticking by it.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Hate to see it from a basketball perspective. Geez the very first real big CRI has had and she could not stay focused being a student and a player.

Reminds me of a line from its a wonderful life: youth is wasted on the wrong people!
A serious blow to our chances of winning CUSA and having a chance to win a NCAA game.

However, proud of CRI, I am sure this was a difficult decision and I am sure he gave her every opportunity. I hope our team bonds together and perseveres.
Don't take this the wrong way, but I haven't seen any reason to be "proud of CRI" in this instance. The way it has been portrayed so far Insell had nothing to do with the dismissal or the previous probationary suspension. It was apparently "athletic dept. rules" and not "women's basketball team rules" that Parker broke. So far, all I've seen in the media has come from Massaro (althought it will be interesting to see how Insell and Palmer handle this in the pre-game interview today) but there's nothing to indicate that Insell is not is full agreement with the action. If I'm proud of anything it's that our athletic dept. apparently has rules, sticks by them (and they apparently have a 2nd chance provision for this particular offense whatever it is), and enforces the rules without regard to the status of the particular athlete.

Talking about Insell and his staff's role in this situation: Based on assumptions of the offense (admitting I could be way off base here) how can a young lady be on campus for over a year before this came up the first time and then it happen a short two and one-half months later? Were there any problems at High Point which should have alerted the staff to potential problems and the need for close supervision? Who's monitoring the young lady? How closely was she being monitored during the red-shirt year (are red-shirt players at MT subject to the same policies as athletes on the active roster - random drug screens for instance)? How much do team members watch out for each other and intervene before problems arise? What was Parker's relationship to the other team members? How open are the communications between players and members of the staff?

Admittedly, most of us will never know the answers to any of my posed questions but the information would be interesting.

What we know is that this young lady has a great chance for future success playing BkB and this may be the shakeup which causes her to straighten up and succeed. Let's hope so for her sake. We know this year's edition of the LRs has a greatly diminished chance at the C-USA tournament championship, at the NCAA tournament, and at the long-awaited deep run in the tournament. We'll not know just how much having a quality "big" with "big" size would have helped Insell achieve his often promised but yet to be achieved post-season success.
This was the second time Parker broke the rules and it was time for her to go. Insell absolutely did the right thing. Keeping a rule-breaker around creates a cancer among the team that eventually destroys it from within. Good riddance to Parker.

Stock should've done the same thing with Dasher. He paid the price the next season by going 2-10 as the cancer had already set in.
John, IMHO you're making the same mistake Mike did: Reread my post or the DNJ article. Your statement "Insell Absolutely did the right thing." As if he had a choice. It was athletic dept. rules Parker broke and Massaro was the person quoted. I made it clear that I had no reason to believe Insell disagreed with the outcome, but he had no choice in it therefore based on the information given deserves no credit for it.

As for the comparison to the Dasher incident; We know what Dasher did - we have no idea what Parker did (twice). Hardly a comparison.