Negotiations for world peace proceeding smoothly as more bad guys bite the dust


Hall of Famer
Jan 27, 2003
FULL ARTICLE Benjamin Fulford 5-15-17… “Negotiations for world peace proceeding smoothly as more bad guys bite the dust”
Posted on 2017/05/18


“A North Korean peace deal, a Ukrainain [Ukrainian] peace deal and a resolution of Middle Eastern problems, including the Israeli/Palestinian issue are all being negotiated behind the scenes, multiple sources agree. This is why US President Donald Trump will be going to Israel, Saudi Arabia and then Rome starting on the 24th of this month… sources close to the talks say North Korea will be offered a guarantee of sovereignty and security in exchange for publicly giving up its nuclear weapons program.

“The pending North Korean peace accord is definitely related to China’s massive one belt one road (obor) infrastructure initiative since a peace accord in the Korean peninsula would allow for the construction of a tunnel linking Japan to the Eurasian mainland… Western resistance to this project has ended.

“These new land freight routes are one of the reasons the Baltic Dry Index remains stuck at a very low level since overland travel is both cheaper and faster within Eurasia. It will not be too far in the future before it will be possible to take a train or ship goods by train from New York to London via China and Russia.

“The Chinese are also hoping to once again become inventors of world changing technology like the compass, gunpowder, paper and printing… This massive Chinese initiative may well be dwarfed by a Western initiative being secretly negotiated that will release trillions if not quadrillions of dollars for a massive campaign to, as Trump put it, “help the world.” This campaign could easily end poverty, stop environmental destruction and launch a new era of space exploration and colonization…

“…before a plan to turn this planet into a paradise can be carried out, some mopping up of final pockets of Khazarian Satanist resistance is still head of us… Pentagon sources…: “The… Comey firing was 110 days overdue, and begins the war with the deep state as the Clinton Foundation, Obama, Pedogate and the DNC will be aggressively prosecuted by the Department of Justice.”

“The sudden appearance of Henry Kissinger with Donald Trump in front of White House photographers last week may have been a sign Kissinger has been singing a song about his long time slave masters the Rockefellers. A Kissinger envoy did tell the White Dragon Society that Kissinger was a longtime Soviet agent going by the code name Bor and that he always resented how David Rockefeller humiliated him… Kissinger is apparently using all his old connections these days to try to negotiate final peace deals around the world so, for now, he is being taken off the wanted list.

“After Comey, the next domino to fall is expected to be National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster who “may be fired, demoted and court-martialed for sharing classified info with convicted felon [David] Petraeus,”… the Khazarian agents in Washington DC are freaking out and talking about impeaching Trump.

“There can be no doubt the Russians indeed, along with most of the rest of the world, are cooperating in removing the Khazarian filth from power. That is why there is a lot of pressure being applied on the Khazarian Satanist nest in Israel. Here China, Russia and the United States are all insisting Israel must accept a two state solution with the Palestinians, the Pentagon sources say.

“…big moves taking place… in Japan… Japan’s largest gang, the Yamaguchi Gumi, has now split into three factions, representing three dominant personalities… Only one of those factions, the weakest one, is still sub-contracting for the Khazarian mafia… if a deal can be reached on North Korean amphetamine distribution… that final faction will also cut its links with the Khazarians. This will clear the way for a total change in Japan’s power structure…

“In any case, until this is over, we can expect some continued Khazarian trouble making in the Ukraine, Indonesia, the Middle East, Japan and elsewhere.”
BENJAMIN FULFORD update – US and Russia to put the squeeze on Rothschild controlled France and Germany – May 30, 2017

May 30, 2017

“The split in the Western power structure between the meritocratic gnostic illuminati and the Khazarian bloodline families was put out for all to see during last weekend’s G7 meeting. For those who follow normal diplomatic protocol, the war of words at and after the meeting, between the Germans and the French on the one side and the British and the Americans on the other, was unprecedented in the post war era.

“[Trump] also failed to mention Article 5, the collective defense clause, in his speech to NATO, implying basically that Russia could just go ahead and march into France and Germany without worrying about the US. Without US help, Germany and France would fall to Russia in a matter of weeks… Chinese official media [commented] that Western democracy “is crumbling.”

“The overall tone of the article also lends support to NSA allegations that Chinese President Xi Jinping works for the Rothschilds because it adheres closely to the US corporate media lies about Trump and seems to predict Trump will be impeached over “Russia.” The Chinese, of course, are bitter about Trump because they invested heavily in Hillary Clinton…

“What is really going on here in fact, is a split between countries still under Khazarian bloodline mafia rule and those who are moving towards meritocracy… Inside the US, meanwhile, the battle against the Khazarian rear-guard still holding out in Washingtion DC is nearing its final stages, Pentagon and agency sources agree.

Brzezinski’s death means that the main architect of the anti-Russian campaign of hysteria in DC is gone and that this campaign will start to wither. In fact the Washington DC elite are now in a state of sheer panic as word has been put out the so-called Russian who leaked Hillary Clinton’s e-mails was none other than Democratic Party staffer Seth Rich, who was murdered as a result… The death of David Rockefeller means that his entire control grid, from the murder brigades to his Council on Foreign Relations, Bilderberg and Trilateral Commission mind control outfits, is collapsing. That is the real reason for the panic.

“…Jared Kushner, the top Khazarian agent in the Trump regime, is in deep trouble, multiple sources agree. “Kushner may not just get fired but prosecuted,” the Pentagon sources say.

“…Trump’s call for an Arab NATO confirms the US and Russia have reached a deal over splitting control of the Middle East and its oil resources. In this split, Russia gets influence over Turkey and the revived Persian Empire that includes Iran as well as parts of Iraq, Syria and Lebanon. The US gets Israel, the Arab states of the Gulf Cooperation Council, Jordan and Egypt… The fact that Trump met the pope and that the conversation went better than expected also underlines the existence of a Vatican/Russian and US patriotic Christian alliance against the Satan worshipping Khazarians.

“Melania Trump also made her allegiances clear during the trip by refusing to veil her head in Saudi Arabia or during a visit to the holocaust (burnt offering) museum but donning one for her visit with the Pope… her message was that the controlling force in the Trump presidency, as far as she was concerned, was Christianity and not Judaism or Islam.

“Overall, the Satanists are facing final defeat in the West so now the main battle ground against them is moving to Asia. Here the Satanists attacked the Philippines with their ISIS mercenary army because Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte has not only kicked out the Khazarians with Chinese and Russian help but he is also shutting down their drug dealing and pedophile operations there…

“…the North Korean situation. Japanese right wing sources close to the Emperor are now saying that North Korea has long been working with Israel to “create Babylon 2.0” i.e. enslave the world to the Khazarians. There is also a very intense power struggle going on under the surface both in China and Japan multiple political and underworld sources here claim.

“In China, meanwhile, sources in the Shanghai, Guangdong and Taiwan factions of the Chinese underworld are all saying that a campaign to remove President Xi Jinping is under full swing. They say his unpopular anti-corruption campaign has just been an excuse to remove rivals. The Chinese have also been accelerating their plans to escape from the Khazarian controlled Western financial system following the recent downgrading of China’s credit rating by Moody’s… The Asians now support gold-backed crypto-currency.”
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Hundreds of trillions of dollars worth of gold now available to help planet

Posted by benjamin
June 5, 2017

This Saturday a delegation from the White Dragon Society, including this writer, will be heading to Bougainville in the Solomon Islands to meet with King David Peii II to discuss how to reopen the Panguna mine, which contains about $170 trillion worth of gold and copper. Furthermore, there are six other mine sites under the control of King David and his people on the Island meaning that many hundreds of trillions of dollars’ worth of metal can be made available to benefit the people and living creatures of the planet earth.

The total amount of money the OECD spent on development in 2016 was $142.6 billion, so if even a small fraction of the wealth of just one of the six sites was used, there would be at least 10 times more money available to help the poor and protect the environment than is now being spent.

The Panguna mine was developed by the Rothschild controlled firm Rio Tinto. However locals, angered at the pollution caused by the mine, as was at the lousy treatment they were accorded by the mine’s owners, seized control after a long war of resistance. Representatives of King David also claim the Rothschild owners of the mine were contemplating destroying the entire island in order to extract its mineral wealth. You can be sure, based on their track record, the Rothschilds were not planning to spend the money they hoped to earn from this to help the planet.

Representatives of Rio Tinto did not respond to multiple WDS attempts to contact them. If an agreement is not reached with the Rothschilds, the WDS will, if necessary, use as much weight of the world’s military as needed to help King David make the gold and other metals available, in an environmentally friendly manner, for the benefit of the planet. One idea is to use mine tailings as landfill in order to create new land for living creatures so that the overall impact of the mining on the island will be to create more space for living creatures than existed before. The WDS will report more on the situation after a June 10-14th visit to the Island.

In any case, the Khazarian mafia has been suffering a stunning series of defeats in recent months as their planetary control grid collapses in increasingly visible ways.

Most importantly, but in a manner still hidden from most of the world, the Khazarians are running out of gold and most of the world no longer accepts their paper, which is not backed by anything but a rapidly evaporating group mind control mechanism.
Khazarian attempts to get gold in Indonesia, Japan, the Philippines and elsewhere in Asia are all being stonewalled, multiple sources agree.

Last week representatives from Citibank and US Ambassador to Indonesia Joseph Donovan promised Indonesian President Joko Widodo they would wipe out all of Indonesia’s external debt in exchange for 12,500 tons of gold but they left empty handed, WDS sources in Indonesia say.

The WDS sources add: “The Sultan of Johor, West Malaysia is involved in the attempt to extort the gold from Jakarta. He is claiming that the gold belongs to

onlypaid] [his Royal family and this gives him the right to take it back from Indonesia, where is has been stored for the past 70 years or so. This allegation by the Sultan of Johor would mean that this could be part of the collateralized gold accounts, in which the Royal Families of Asia deposited their gold in Indonesia for safekeeping and Soekarno was mandated as M1".

Soekarno, as well as US President John F. Kennedy, were killed by the Khazarians in order to end their efforts to use this gold for the planet (We assume our readers know the history of this). Now the depositors of the gold are getting their revenge.
The Indonesian WDS sources adds that “I have a strong feeling that [Malaysian] PM Najib Razak is somehow involved in this, as he is a member of the Khazarian mafia.”

The Khazarians are still setting off terrorists attacks in London, the Philippines, Indonesia and elsewhere around the world in order to extort gold but, they are being systematically isolated.

The Bilderberg meeting of top Khazarian mafia servants that just ended on June 4th was a meeting of losers in the battle for the planet earth. At this first meeting since top Khazarian honcho David Rockefeller died, Rockefeller bagman Henry Kissinger continued his effort to become the new secret ruler of the planet earth. However, without gold and without Rockefeller behind him, Kissinger is just an old airbag.

The Rothschilds’ attempt to take full control of the planet following Rockefeller’s death was also dealt a huge blow as US President Donald renounced their Paris accords. “Trump exited the Paris accords in order to stop carbon trading and expose the global warming hoax of roth,” Pentagon sources explained.

Also, inside the Trump regime, “the Zionist-globalist-Goldman faction led by former Goldman coo Gary Cohn, and Jared Kushner were sidelined by the Paris exit as Trump cleans house,” they continue.

The Bush faction of the Khazarian mob is also in “full panic mode” as more and more of their crimes are being revealed, the sources add. Last week, the Pentagon sources say, Bush hitmen killed former Panamanian President Manuel Noriega to “prevent him snitching about CIA drug trafficking and corruption.”

There are also moves to arrest top Neo-con Bush operatives like David Petraeus, former NSA boss Mike Hayden and remove and arrest US National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster, the sources say. The charges will be for illegally receiving and leaking classified information, they say.

The Rockefeller/Bush/Clinton US Khazarian mafia clan’s top henchmen are still struggling to keep themselves out of jail but they are clearly losing the power struggle in Washington DC.

There is also a huge power struggle going on now in China, according to Vietnamese sources. The struggle concerns Wang Qishan王歧山 who is de facto number 2 in China’s power structure and is now the top Rothschild agent in China, the sources say.

The mystery man Guo Wengui郭文贵

who was photographed recently with Jacob Rothschild and the Dalai Lama, and who is apparently now staying at Trump’s Mar A Largo resort in Florida put out a video (which was quickly removed from the internet) last week claiming Wang “has huge connections with Skull & Bones and Freemasons,” the sources say.

If Wang becomes Prime Minister and the official number 2 at the 19th Chinese Communist Party Congress this autumn, “then [Chinese President] Xi Jinping will be dead,” the sources say.

Wang’s power derives from huge amounts of money that he has recently mysteriously obtained and has been spreading around, they say.

These same sources, who have access to top level intelligence about China, say Xi Jinping “is in a very dangerous position.” “He can either try to continue communist rule, in which case other interest groups will try to get rid of him before his term ends,” the sources say “or if not, he can end communism like the Soviets did in the 90’s.”

The same sources say that another senior Chinese defector, Ling Jihua, has given the US “way more information on submarines, nuclear codes etc,” because of his opposition to Rothschild controlled Wang.

Even if these sources are wrong, there can be no doubt the Chinese situation will remain turbulent under the surface between now and mid-summer as jockeying for the next politburo, set to be formally announced in the autumn, continues.

There are also changes coming to Europe as top Khazarian mobster and German Chancellor Angela Merkel as well as Rothchild slave and French President Emmanuel Macron realize the consequences of the Trump regime saying they will no longer protect them from Russia. The result, after some initial huffing and puffing by the French and Germans, has been for both countries to suddenly start currying favour with Russia.

There has also been some sort of schism taking place in the Middle East with Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain and the UAE suddenly cutting off relations with Qatar. Qatar is home to the Al Jazeera news network and a huge US airbase. Qatar’s Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al-Thani apparently deviated from the official Khazarian line in the Middle East by saying nice things about Iran, Hamas and Hezbollah as well as Israel. The Saudis are now blaming Qatar for Daesh in an outrageous case of the pot calling the kettle black.

In reality, the fight is almost certainly related to the fact the Qatar has reached a pipeline deal with Russia and the Syrians to export its gas while the Saudis have not.

The result is that the Saudis too are now rushing to curry favour with Russia. So far, it seems, the Russians have invited them to spend their money in remote arctic regions.
Khazarian mafia will make several more tries to start WW3 before their final defeat

June12, 2017
Author: Benjamin Fulford
Notice to readers
Because I will be off the grid in Bougainville this week this report was written three days earlier than usual and will thus not capture all the latest news
However as compensation there should be plenty of interesting stuff to report from Bougainville next week
The Khazarian mafia, still unable to comprehend their ongoing historic defeat, are fanatically trying yet again to start World War 3, multiple sources agree. The Khazarian mafia that has ruled humanity, or at least the West, for thousands of years is still clinging to power in Japan, Israel, Saudi Arabia, parts of Europe and in a section of the US power elite. However, the balance of world power has now tipped decisively against them. That is why, facing final defeat, they will be trying very hard to start World War 3 in the Ukraine, the Middle East or North Korea in order to try keep in power and carry out their plan to wipe out 90% of humanity.
They are also clinging to the illusion they will somehow manage to remove US President Donald Trump from power and thus re-establish their control over the military industrial complex. Their lack of power in Washington DC was made evident last week when fired FBI director James Comey not only failed to provide impeachable evidence against Trump but also incriminated himself and the Democratic Party establishment. Comey did this by testifying that Obama era Attorney General Loretta Lynch asked him to lie about the fact Hillary Clinton was subject to a criminal investigation.]
Comey also gave ammunition to the folk who say the Khazarians are not even human by saying he has had “a lot of conversations with humans over the years.”
Furthermore, his testimony revealed to the public yet again that Khazarian mafia controlled media outlets like the New York Times have been publishing outright lies, in this case about so-called Russian interference in the US Presidential election.
The Khazarian corporate media also showed how utterly foolish is has become by writing, in all apparent seriousness, articles about a so-called NSA leaker by the name of “Reality Leigh Winner.” “Reality Lie Winner” no doubt won a contest inside the NSA to produce the most outrageous fake news story.
It is no wonder that only 6% of Americans trust the corporate media any more.
The Mossad motto “By way of deception thou shalt make war,” failed to take into account the story about the boy who cried wolf. They have lied and deceived so much that nobody believes them anymore.
This is why their false flag events are starting to flop immediately despite increasingly hysterical story lines.
In the UK election, the false flag attacks in London had the opposite of their intended effect by turning voters away from Conservative Prime Minister Theresa May. May is now being forced to turn to the creationist fundamentalist DUP party in order to cling to power. The Khazarian mafia media is trying to portray her set back as a victory against Brexit. However, May’s opponent, Labour Leader Jeremy Corbyn, has had 75% negative coverage by the same Khazarian media because he supports such things as 911 truth.
The Anglo Saxon people have revolted against Khazarian mafia rule.
The Khazarians are deluding themselves if they think that killing Donald Trump is going to end this revolt. US Naval Intelligence is reporting that a high level hitman by the name of
Charles McCarry and his Pluribus International Corporation took a $150 million contract to kill Trump using female assassins. This “Sorcha Faal” Naval Intelligence Report is probably about 80% correct.
The Khazarians are targeting a lot of people other than Trump as well. Gnostic Illuminati Grandmaster Alexander Romanov has gone into hiding to avoid assassins. This writer too was told last week by an Italian TV journalist “I am surprised you are still alive, I keep looking in the papers for your obituary.”
What they do not realize is that at this point, killing someone like me would be like killing the kid who said the emperor had no clothes after he said it. It would have the exact opposite effect of what they would hope for at this point.
The Khazarians attempts to start World War 3 are also getting increasingly brazen and desperate.
Henry Kissinger last week tried to cash a $4.3 quadrillion bond by promising to give the money to the Asians in exchange for protection for the Khazarians, according to right wing sources close to the Emperor of Japan. The money would go to the AIIB, the BRICS bank and the Asian Development Bank as well as to the Khazarians, Kissinger promised, according to this source. The problem is that Kissinger is a mass murdering war criminal who has been using fraud even since the Nixon shock to maintain Khazarian control over the world’s money.
What the Khazarians control is known as the “Global Debt Facility,” and it is nothing more than a Babylonian debt slavery illusion being used to enslave humanity. Above the “Global Debt Facility,” which is based on nothing, lies the “Global Credit Facility,” that is backed by real assets, notably Asian gold. So, while the AIIB, the BRICS bank and the ADB are commendable institutions, they have no need to continue to function under Khazarian debt slavers. They will be fully supported by the new financial system.
This system is evolving through crypto-currencies, gold and through an ongoing real world economy boycott of fraudulent Khazarian financial instruments.
When Kissinger’s latest plot to get money failed, he and his fellow Khazarians tried to get their fellow Saudi Arabian Satanists to start World War 3 by threatening to invade Qatar. Donald Trump proved to the world he was not really in charge of the US last week by first praising the Saudi threats against Qatar in a tweet only to be forced to do a 180 degree turn around the next day by the US military.
Furthermore, the Turks immediately deployed troops to defend Qatar showing the largest military in the Middle East is controlled by Muslims and not by pseudo-Muslim Salafist Satanists.
Chinese military intelligence also informed the US about the Khazarian’s scenario for a war involving North Korea. According to this scenario, the ruling Kim family would be evacuated into Northern China prior to the war. The Koreans were then supposed to provoke the US into invading North Korea by staging a kamikaze style attack against US aircraft carriers in the region. Once the Americans invaded North Korea, a major campaign to weaken their forces through attrition would begin. Towards the end, the North Koreans would set off nuclear weapons inside North Korea which the Chinese would publicly blame on the Americans.
The Chinese would then try to get support from Asian and European countries by acting as peace brokers and trying to negotiate an end to the war. The Chinese Northern District Army is one of the strongest in the country and is filled with warrior Mongols, Manchus and Koreans, the Chinese sources say.
Needless to say, the kibosh has been put on this scenario thanks to high level communications between the US and Chinese military and intelligence agencies.
The situation in Japan is also getting very bad for the Khazarians. Although the slave Parliament did manage to pass a law saying the Emperor would resign within 3 years, it will be game over for them before they ever get a chance to install a proxy Emperor. The vast majority of Japanese underground factions are all now ready to remove the Khazarian proxies. Representatives from the White Dragon Society have had meetings with heads of several of these factions recently and have agreed to form an alliance with the goal of once again making Japan and independent country for the first time since 1863.
Once Japan is liberated, then only Germany, France, Italy, Israel and Saudi Arabia will remain under Khazarian mafia control.
This might be a good time to remind the Jewish people that they never really escaped from Babylon and that the fall of the Khazarian mob will mean they will be truly free for the first time in thousands of years. The Israelis will be free to make peace with their neigbhours and rebuild their temple, just so long as they leave the Dome of the Rock intact. Also, they need to make it clear to the world the Temple will be dedicated to Yahweh and not Satan. There will be no human or animal sacrifices allowed at the temple.
Despite all the good news, however, final victory is not here yet and we can expect some nasty last minute moves by the Khazarians. The Summer Solstice on June 21st is their tradition time for holocausts or burnt offerings so we need to be especially diligent.
Have no doubt though, humanity will win.
Petrodollar doomed as Qatar breaks ranks and sells its oil in Yuan
Posted by benjamin
June 19, 2017

The crisis in Qatar marks a major turning point in the battle against the Khazarian mafia. Ostensibly Saudi Arabia and other oil exporting states decided to try to blockade Qatar “because it was supporting terrorism.” In reaction to this move, US President Donald Trump showed the world he was not in charge of the US by first supporting the blockade and then being forced by the Pentagon to change his stance 180 degrees the next day. What is really going on here is that Qatar reached a deal with Iran to export gas from its massive gas fields not West in exchange for worthless Euros or US dollars but rather East to places like India and China in exchange for their currencies.

The US House of Whores, oops! I mean House of Representatives. reacted to this development by passing new sanctions against Russia that basically amounted to telling Europe to buy expensive American gas instead of cheap Russian gas. The Germans and Austrian reacted by telling the Americans to buzz off.

These developments show clearly the old regime is falling apart with splits between Washington and the EU becoming more pronounced by the day.

The Khazarian mafia controlled Saudis and their Israeli partners in crime have seen their entire plan for an “Arab Nato,” blow up in their faces. True Muslim countries like Turkey, Iraq, Iran, Pakistan and others together with super powers like Russia and China lined up to support Qatar, leaving the Saudi Israel alliance isolated. India and Pakistan have shown they are with Russia and China by joining the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, something Iran is expected to do next year.

The US military, for its part, showed it was against the Khazarian mafia by staging joint military drills with Qatar last week even as China staged drills with Iran. Pentagon sources explain “The US military needs Qatar because of the Al Udeid airbase.” The Pentagon sources did not mention the fact Qatar also offered to buy $12 billion worth of US military jets to help keep the Pentagon financed. In any case, the airbase also functions to ensure that madman Satanist Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu and his fellow Khazarian mobsters do not get any chance start World War 3, the sources say. A more direct message would be “SURRENDER OR DIE.”

The battle to remove the Khazarians from all levers of control in Washington DC is also intensifying. The fake blame everything on Russia campaign by the Khazarians is blowing up with even Khazarian owned corporate propaganda media stooges starting to expose it as completely bogus.

The following twitter storm issued by Donald Trump summarizes quite well how the power struggle in DC is going:

“You are witnessing the single greatest WITCH HUNT in American political history – led by some very bad and conflicted people!

They made up a phony collusion with the Russians story, found zero proof, so now they go for obstruction of justice on the phony story. Nice

I am being investigated for firing the FBI Director by the man who told me to fire the FBI Director! Witch Hunt

Why is that Hillary Clintons family and Dems dealings with Russia are not looked at, but my non-dealings are?

Crooked H destroyed phones w/ hammer, ‘bleached’ emails, & had husband meet w/AG days before she was cleared- & they talk about obstruction?

A.G. Lynch made law enforcement decisions for political purposes…gave Hillary Clinton a free pass and protection. Totally illegal!”

Pentagon sources say the next stage in the battle against the Khazarian mafia hold-outs in DC will begin with the arrest of Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, special counsel Robert Mueller as well as

Hillary Clinton (although CIA sources say she died last year), Barack Obama, former attorney general Loretta Lynch, former National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice, former CIA head John Brennan, former NSA director Michael Hayden and others “at the 2nd stage to decapitate the deep state,”

Fired FBI director James Comey has “been singing like a canary,” about the Khazarian mob as well as the P2 Freemason lodge, CIA sources confirm.

“Comey was forced to commit 2 stage seppuku in front of congress,” the sources say. He began ratting on his colleagues to avoid being charged with “multiple felonies for leaking, misprision (deliberately hiding knowledge) of felony, aiding obstruction of justice etc.” the Pentagon sources continue.

The attack against Trump son in law Jared Kushner has also intensified as Trump picked New Jersey Governor Chris Christie’s attorney and friend Chris Wray to run the FBI. “Kushner hates Christie for putting his criminal mosado dad Charles in jail when he was New Jersey prosecutor,” the sources note.

The Khazarians are of course literally fighting for their lives as their control grid continues to collapse. “House Republican majority whip (#3) Steve Scalise may have been shot because of his support of anti-child sex trafficking law as the battle against pedophilia escalates,” the Pentagon sources note.

The George Bush Sr. faction of the Khazarian mob is also still diligently working to eliminate the evidence trail by bumping off former senior associates. That is why former Panamanian Dictator Manuel Noriega and arms dealer/CIA asset Adnan Khashoggi were recently bumped off, Pentagon sources say.

The power elite in Washington DC is also in a deadlock because of MAB or mutually assured blackmail preventing the long awaited mass arrests of known criminals like Senator John McCain. The answer will probably have to be to remove the 70% or so of Washington DC politicians, both Republican and Democrat, who have been corrupted by drugs, pedophilia, bribes etc.

In Europe, meanwhile the German controlled Vichy regime in France run by Rothschild puppet Emmanuel Macron stole Sunday’s Parliamentary election to give his slave regime the appearance of popular support.

The French Rothschild regime is circling the wagons as Wikileaks of Hillary Clinton’s e-mail reveal to the world at large what this newsletter reported years ago and that is the fact the French overthrew the Libyan regime of Muammar Gadaffi because he threatened their control of French Africa with his plan to issue a gold backed Dinar.

In a sign the battle for Africa is far from over, the French staged robbery of gold mines in Mali came under renewed attack last week as a resort for ex-pats there was attacked.

Khazarian attempts to prolong their financial system by seizing gold are also continuing in many parts of the world.

In the Philippines, the US military helped President Rodrigo Duterte fight Khazarian hired Daesh mercenaries who were trying to seize gold in Marawai.

Also last week in the Island of Bougainville ten trucks filled with mercenaries were dispatched to try to capture White Dragon Society representatives, including this writer, visiting King David Peii II. The Bougainville Rebel Army stopped them by cutting down trees and shutting a highway after the WDS representatives were evacuated. The French Branch of the Rothschild family, through their Rio Tinto Zinc corporation, are trying yet again to force landowners in Bougainville to sign over to them the rights to mine gold on the Island. The Rothschilds also do not want the world at large to know they are guilty of slaughtering at least 10% of the Island’s population. It is because of this history of slaughter and environmental destruction that the locals would rather fight another war than let those mass murdering war criminal back in.

We will write more about this and other related news in a special report to be issued later this week. Suffice it to say for now that the Rothschilds, especially the French branch headed by wanted criminal David de Rothschild, will not get their hands any of the huge gold supplies on that island.

In Japan, meanwhile, the Khazarian puppet regime of Shinzo Abe showed how insecure it was by passing an “anti-conspiracy” bill that gives the government power to arrest people for crimes they have not yet committed. This sort of acceleration of repressive measures was seen in Eastern Europe too in places like Romania just before the regimes there collapsed.

Sources in Japanese military and law enforcement circles say they will not obey criminal orders from the politicians to oppress the people despite the passage of this law.

In any case, right wing sources close to the Emperor say Abe is very ill and has been advised by his doctor to resign or else die within six months. However, Abe intends to die in office, the source says. Japanese power brokers are waiting for the civil war inside the US government to end before they make any big changes here, multiple sources agree. So for now the old Rockefeller/Rothschild controlled regime remains in place here even though it has no support from the military or other armed groups in the country. However, behind the scenes, the Khazarians have already lost Japan as well as South Korea.
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Historic changes in central Europe Asia and elsewhere as old order implodes

Benjamin Fulford: June 26, 2017

Sometimes historic changes are announced in obscure headlines such as this one: “Defense Ministers from Six Countries Focus on Cooperation in Prague.”

A more accurate headline would read “Austro-Hungarian Empire revived after 100 year hiatus.” The story says Czechia, Slovakia, Hungary, Austria Slovenia and Croatia are going to carry out a joint exercise to protect their borders. Their joint borders are almost the same borders as those of the Austro-Hungarian Empire and within these borders civilian, police and military authorities are going to work together. Usually, a shared external border, in this case operating independently from the EU, is a definition of a country.

It is also worth noting the Habsburg dynasty overthrown after World War I were rivals of the Saxe-Gotha-Rothschild dynasties that won the war; which may be why Hungary has already thrown out its Saxe-Gotha-Rothschild central bank.

It is a good guess that Karl Von Habsburg,
head of the Paneuropean Union and heir to the Habsburg throne, sees a chance to revive his ancestor’s Empire now that his Saxe-Gotha-Rothschild rivals have lost so much of their power.
Elsewhere in Europe, we are seeing a growing split between Germany and the US with people in Germany now openly talking about the EU imposing sanctions on the US in retaliation for their efforts to stop the Germans from buying more cheap Russian gas.
The Europeans are also pushing to create a joint army with the capability to operate overseas as yet another break with US President Donald Trump’s America.

Also, Rothschild slave President Emmanuel Macron of France has now publicly sided with Russia on Syria. This is a clear indication the opportunistic Rothschilds understand who they have to suck up to now if they want to protect their interests.

The rise of Russia’s influence, however, has led to a huge power struggle there with the Knights of Malta trying to take control, according to FSB sources there. The following Russians have been awarded the Maltese Knight’s cross:
Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, B.A.Berezovsky, Pavel Borodin, G.E.Burbulis, Mikhail Gorbachev, Boris Yeltsin, VV . Ilyushin V.V.Kostikov, M.Yu.Lesin, S.F.Lisovsky, Yevgeny Primakov, A.V.Rutskoy, S.A.Filatov, Shaimiev, S.M.Shahry, V.B.Yumashev, and S.V.Yastrzhembsky, according to Russian FSB sources.

“Why are these people involved in an organization that has promoted the destruction of Russia (what is left of it), the collapse of industry, science and education, the extinction of the Russian people and the spiritual impoverishment of the nation?” an FSB source connected with the White Dragon Society asks. “The Masonic Order of the Knight’s Cross is awarded for the behind the scenes aiding in the destruction of Russian statehood, sovereignty and power of the State,” this source continues.

The source says the Knights of Malta are trying to control all Russian private security companies. They are doing this through an association of bodyguards in Russia led by a Mr. Fonareff who is “a small puppet to the Order of Malta.” The parent organization is the International Bodyguard and Security Services Organization.

“When you read their website just remove the “anti”…because I hear the Hospitaliers and Red Cross are involved in human trafficking and organ theft,” according to the source, who is senior in the Russian government.

The entire organization is headed by Professor George Popper, a senior Knight of Malta.

Leo Zagami, a self-confessed Satanist, claimed the black sun worshipping P2 Freemason lodge gave orders to the Knights of Malta.

This does not mean that the majority of members of the Knights of Malta are Satanists, only certain key people around the top of the hierarchy are.

In any case, the attempt by the IBSSA to control all private security companies in Russia is typical of the fascist P2 freemason lodge who want to create an absolute, centralized world dictatorship. The Russian WSD faction is opposed to centralized monolithic control and is expected to win the power struggle there.

The power struggle elsewhere is also going against the Satanists. In the Middle East, King Salman named his son Mohammed Bin Salman as crown prince and fired his half-brother Nayef, who is well connected to the US establishment. Since the King Salman who has appeared recently in public is visibly younger than the senile Salman who took over the throne it is safe to assume he is just a body double and that the 31 year old Salman Jr. is now King of Saudi Arabia.

However, Pentagon sources say “this is just a futile attempt to delay the global currency reset.” Furthermore, “Saudi Arabia is isolated by the Russian/Iranian/Qatari cartel, and may soon be forced to sell what little oil it still has for yuan and non-dollars,” the sources say. Right now only the UAE, Bahrain, Egypt and Israel support the Saudi regime.

The Pentagon sources also say US President Donald Trump’s son in law Jared Kushner was sent on orders of the US military/intelligence establishment to Israel to meet Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu to demand regime change there. It is no coincidence the Iranian and Hizbollah forces, protected by a new Russian air base, have arrived at the Israeli border to give notice to the criminal Netanyahu regime that it is militarily isolated from the world. The US military is not going to fight to protect the criminal Netanyahu regime, the Pentagon sources say.

A similar move is being made in the Ukraine where President Petro Poroshenko has been summoned to Washington “to discuss regime change,” the sources say. These moves are part of a worldwide effort to end all conflicts and prepare the way for a new financial system, they say.

There is also likely to be regime change in the US, the sources continue. Here the latest developments show the entire “blame Russia” campaign by the old establishment is failing. Instead the “Cabal is on its back foot as Bernie Sanders and wife Jane are under FBI investigation for bank fraud and former attorney general Loretta Lynch is under a Department of Justice probe for obstruction of justice,” the Pentagon sources say.

Trump himself is expected to be eventually removed since the US requires real regime change while Trump merely represents the lesser evil faction of the old regime, the sources continue.

In Asia as well, there is a lot going on. Last week South Korean President Moon Jae In had a conversation with his North Korean counterpart Kim Jon Un where the agreed to unify the Korean Peninsula in the near future, according to Japanese right wing sources close to the emperor. This move, like the incipient revival of the Habsburg state, is possible now because the post 1913 Federal Reserve Board secret government is collapsing, WDS sources in Asia say.

In Japan, meanwhile there was a bizzare incident in which the USS Fitzgerald, a state of the art missile destroyer, was rammed by a Philippine registered cargo ship. Pentagon sources speculate it “may have been a false flag e-hijacking by Israel, unable to use its submarines, to frame North Korea just a few days after the 50th anniversary of the 1967 Israeli attack on the USS Liberty.”

The other possibility, the sources say, is the “the Fitz may have been immobilized by emp or electronic warfare, forcing the US military to disclose its base on mars, suppressed technology, and the secret space program (ssp) which is good for humanity.”

There has been definitely some sort of futuristic secret technology deployed in Japan in recent years. The Japanese underground military hardware stockpiles and bases in Kyushu were destroyed recently by some secret weapon. Also, the radiation around Fukushima has all vanished after a huge fleet of unknown aircraft flew over the region, according to Japanese military intelligence.

The fascist regime of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is also under a growing siege. Newspapers here are reporting as a scandal that Abe used undue influence to help the Okayama Prefecture based Kake Gakuen educational institution open a new veterinary medicine school.

What the newspapers are not reporting is that Kake Gakuen is run by the same people who were involved in Japan’s notorious unit 731 biological and chemical warfare institute and that the “veterinary school” was just a cover for the development of bio and chemical weapons, sources close to the Emperor say. In other words, instead of mincing words about “influence peddling,” the newspapers should talk about war crimes. In any case, Abe is dying, the sources say and fundamental regime change ie the removal of the fascists, in Japan is just a matter of time.
It must be really hard for snowflakes these days - Killary lost the election, Bernie charged with bank fraud and their favorite news source, CNN, admitting that the Russia Trump narrative is fake...

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Clean up of Khazarian filth continues in US Japan and elsewhere
Posted by benjamin, July 4, 2017

A comprehensive take-down of the Khazarian mafia continues around the world. The biggest developments were at the top ranks of the Vatican where the Vatican Finance Minister and Number 3 honcho, Australian Cardinal George Pell was suspended after being indicted for child rapes. As a result “the pedos are in full panic mode,” Pentagon officials say. Francis also removed another top honcho, Cardinal Gerhard Mueller, from his post has head of Doctrine and replaced him with a moderate.

The suspension of Pell as Finance Minister is almost certainly related to the goings on at Bougaineville and Papua New Guinea, areas under Australian control, and therefore Pell’s bailiwick, White Dragon Society sources say. The revelation that only about 3% of the money from minerals being extracted in PNG is going to the locals completely contradicts Pope Francis’s vow the [to] turn the Catholic Church into a “poor church for the poor.”

The WDS plan to connect the gold in Bougaineville to crypto-currencies, with US and Russian military backing, and thus completely by-pass the existing Vatican and Khazarian mafia controlled financial system must have added urgency to the Vatican’s moves to remove Cardinal Pell.

The removal of the German Mueller, who was seen by many as the head of the resistance to Pope Francis’s moves to make the church more easy-going, is also a significant defeat for the Khazarian mafia and their proxies, P2 Freemason sources say. This removal is probably going to affect what happens with the Knights of Malta, where a German/British split has been papered over leading to a stalemate at the top of the most important military spiritual order in the West. This in turn will affect how the US military industrial complex is run.

In other words, the fanatical faction that still wants to start World War 3 has lost its most senior backers, WDS sources say.

Another other big development last week was the arrival of the aircraft [carrier] USS Bush in Israel. The Mossad site DEBKA expressed confusion about the arrival of the carrier because it apparently was not there [to] attack either Iran or Syria.

In fact, Pentagon sources say, the arrival of the carrier in Israel is a “blunt message that the US and Russia may impose an air-sea blockade if authorized by the United Nations Security Council to force a peace deal and a return of the Golan [Heights to Syria]”.

Already Iranian, Russian and Hezbollah troops are at the Israeli border and now, instead of coming to protect Israel, it seems the US military is working with its enemies to finally put that rogue state in its place.

Saudi Arabia’s ruling Saud family, having come out of the closet as being Khazarian Satanists and not Muslims, are also going to be forced to cease and desist their trouble-making now that they are isolated from the rest of the Muslim world.

This is why the Saudi/Israeli/Daesh mercenary proxy army is melting away

The Chinese are adding to the pressure by insisting that the Saudis stop selling their oil to them in Khazarian controlled so-called US dollars. The Saudis will soon have no choice but to abandon the petrodollar, CIA and Pentagon sources agree.

Yet a third huge development last week came in Japan where the long ruling Liberal Democratic Party experienced a historical defeat in Tokyo Prefectural elections.

Here Governor Yuriko Koike and the Buddhist Lay Organization Sokka Gakkai supported Komeito Party scored a huge upset win, getting 79 seats in the 127 seat assembly while the LDP fell to 23 seats from a previous 57.

This loss means the Khazarian slave government of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, and the LDP are going to face a similar demolition in national elections that will probably be held soon as a result of this defeat in Tokyo, Japanese right wing sources say.

This means Japan’s post-war slave regime, run mostly by Koreans pretending to be Japanese, is finally ending.

A similar current could be detected in the Korean Peninsula with a South Korean offer of a peace treaty to North Korea making it likely the artificial division of that peninsula will also end soon.

In the US, meanwhile, the New York Times, CNN and other Khazarian controlled propaganda outlets are being forced to issue corrections and fire staff as their outright lying and propaganda is exposed.

CIA sources say the removal of Khazarian filth from the US power structure is nearly complete and that is why changes are now being seen in Asia.

Also the US military is moving to create a space corps while President Donald Trump has signed an executive order to resurrect the National Space Council. This is a possible sign the US military industrial complex is finally getting ready for the disclosure that secret space program advocates have long been calling for.

These big sea-changes are coming before what is expected to be a key G20 summit meeting takes place in Hamburg, Germany July 7th and 8th.

In the run up we see some serious jostling between China and the US where some high tension is arising.

Most importantly, Pentagon sources hint they shot down a Chinese satellite last week.

The other moves showing the honeymoon between Chinese President Xi Jinping and Donald Trump was ending were a US deal to sell arms to Taiwan, US sanctions against a Chinese bank, tariffs on steel and other items and the dispatch of a destroyer to the Paracel Islands in the South China Sea, Pentagon sources note.

The Chinese are not taking all this lying down and have sent warships and fighter planes to confront the US destroyer.

Also there can be no doubt that China took symbolic military action against India last week just as Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi was meeting with Trump.

The Chinese have previously told their US counterparts they had the technical capability to overrun India within two months, if necessary.

It looks like Russia is going to have the role of referee between China and the US at the upcoming G20 meeting.

Trump is scheduled to meet there, for the first time, with his counterpart Vladimir Putin and Pentagon sources say his mandate will be to end the Russia/US spat being engineered by the Khazarians in the US.

Russian White Dragon Society sources say past US actions have left the Russians profoundly distrustful of the Americans. However, as Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and other Russian officials have repeatedly stated, the Russians favour a harmonious world system not dominated by a single power.

To that end, in something that slipped under this writer’s radar, a series of top world religious leaders issued a joint appeal on June 14th for the people of the world to unite and make friends across religious boundaries.
US military cracking down on hooligans for hire in US
By benjamin Organized Crime

The recent staged demonstrations and violent incidents carried out by paid hooligans in places like Charlottesville have prompted a crack-down on Khazarian mafia agents who are paying for these incidents, Pentagon sources say. The US is now, beyond any doubt, run by a temporary military regime which intends to clean up the Khazarian gangster corruption that has destroyed the United States. Once this is done the military will return to their barracks the sources say.

A very clear indication of how degenerate the US political world has become was seen in the events that took place in Charlottesville, Virginia earlier this month. A White Dragon Society member was there to witness what really happened as opposed to what the corporate propaganda media lied about.

According to the corporate media reports, a “racist, hate-mongering white supremacist” crashed a van into peaceful left-wing protestors, killed an innocent young woman, and injured many others. This was followed by a well-oiled corporate media campaign to force US President Donald Trump to denounce the “KKK, white supremacists, and hate-mongers,” who they claim staged violent demonstrations in Charlottesville.

However, what the WDS source who was there actually witnessed was a very different story. The right-wing groups (this writer is not endorsing their views but does support their constitutional right to express them peacefully) applied for, and received, a permit to demonstrate against the planned removal of a statue of Confederate Civil War General Robert E. Lee. Once the demonstrators arrived, they were herded by the police towards a gauntlet of “left-wing” protestors who pelted them with used tampons, used condoms, flame throwers, feces and acid among other things. One of the right-wing speakers was permanently blinded by acid thrown at him, something the corporate media failed to mention, according to this source.

After the attacks, an emergency was declared and the right wingers peacefully departed from Charlottesville. This left the afternoon open to events staged by professional agents provocateurs, including the crashing of a van into protestors. Most of the protesters were professionals, (many working under the communist Antifa banner) being paid $25 an hour to participate in these events, according to NSA sources.

The WDS witness also noted that the “Black Lives Matter” protesters in Charlottesville were all white, and that the local African Americans were shouting insults at them.

This blatant promotion of civil unrest has prompted the US military and intelligence agencies to take action. The “[George] Soros-funded Antifa may be designated a domestic terror organization after FBI infiltration,” the pentagon sources say.

The Khazarian mafia are still trying to pretend that George Soros (who has vanished) is funding all of this activity but that is only because they want to camouflage the real financiers of these activities, like the Rothschilds. This writer remembers asking George Soros at the Foreign Correspondents Club of Japan about the owners of the Federal Reserve Board and seeing a look of sheer horror on his face when he heard the question, which he failed to answer.

In any case, the crack-down has started with the arrest of 27 paid extremists in Boston preventing a similar incident from being concocted there, the sources say. Readers have also pointed out that advertisements have been put out to hire paid crisis actors to stage events in Las Vegas on and after August 26th. There will be a widely watched boxing match staged there between the Caucasian Conor McGregor and the African American Floyd Mayweather. It is a pretty easy guess that there will be attempts to use this match to stage race riots. However, the US military are saying they will no longer put up with such nonsense and will ensure that all paid protests, and more importantly, their pay-masters, will be rounded up and charged with crimes.

The attempts to fan domestic turmoil inside the US are linked, of course, to the ongoing financial trouble at the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CORPORATION. Here the latest signs are that this years’ September 30th payments deadline will be a difficult one to meet. A WDS member whose mother works for the US government says she reports her government pension fund has been raided in order to keep the US corporate government functioning. There are reports in places like the Washington Post that even this money will run out in September.

The US military and agencies, in cooperation with their allies in China, Russia, the UK and elsewhere are planning to reboot the world’s financial system in order to cope with this looming event, multiple sources agree.

In preparation for this, Pentagon sources say: “Trump drained the swamp by disbanding the Manufacturing Council, and Strategic & Policy Forum, effectively dumping Khazarian vultures and CEOs like JP Morgan’s Jamie Dimon, Blackstone’s Steve Schwarzman, Blackrock’s Larry Fink, Carl Icahn and others.” These groups are fronts for the families, like the Rockefellers, that own the Fed.

The US National Security Council also recently held a meeting at Camp David where globalists Jared Kushner, Gary Cohn, Dina Powell and others were banned “as the military takes over the White House,” the Pentagon sources say.

The sources also say that Nationalist Steve Bannon was “exfiltrated from the White House where he could do more damage from the outside against globalist Jared Kushner and Goldmanite Gary Cohn, and better serve the Trump base and agenda.”

“Bannon will help Trump from outside like [Newt] Gingrich where he is not dragged down by infighting, and he may get funded by billionaire Bob Mercer to start a conservative network to the right of Fox to destroy the fake news Khazarian media,” one Pentagon source said.

The Pentagon sources ad that “Jared Kushner has been put on a short leash where all meetings with Trump must be cleared by [White House Chief of Staff Marine General John] Kelly, and JK cannot be alone with Trump… JK is done promoting Khazarian interests and his ouster may be next.”

The Khazarian mafia, of course, has no plans to go silently into the night and is threatening “Muslim” terror attacks across Europe and will be trying to stage new provocations in the US as well.

There is also more high strangeness going on with the US Navy with the USS John McCain being hit by a tanker near Singapore. This follows the ramming of the USS Fitzgerald being hit bear Tokyo and earlier the USS Donald Cook (Donald Duck=sitting duck) being disabled in the Baltic sea. In other words, the Khazarians are once again advertising that they have the technical ability to disrupt the US militaries’ electronics.

On a final note, the WDS has been given very long and detailed evidence by a Senior Bank of Japan whistleblower about exactly who now controls the ability to create and distribute Japanese Yen. The WDS and their allies believe the BOJ to be the weak link in the Khazarian financial control grid and now we have detailed intelligence about the hidden actors behind the BOJ. This will lead to concrete action, in tandem with US military and agency white hats, this autumn.

There is also a lot of top secret diplomacy going on between North Korea and Canada, acting as proxies for Eastern and Western secret societies, to discuss the possibility of Canada taking over the functions of the bankrupt UNITED STATES CORPORATION. Of course, senior Khazarian Mafiosi in Canada like the Bronfman family will be asked not to interfere or get involved.

Please enjoy the remainder of the Northern hemisphere summer and make sure you are ready for what will be a busier than average autumn. The key battlegrounds will be Japan and Washington DC. The rogue nation of Israel is also advised to remove its Satan worshipping leadership. Once that is done the Jewish people will be liberated from thousands of years of Babylonian slavery.
Suddenly MI6, Mossad, CIA, NSA, Pentagon, Yakuza and Others All Say Something Big Is Coming
Posted by benjamin, October 9, 2017

Suddenly all sorts of people who dropped contact after the March 11, 2011 Fukushima terror attack are trying to contact the White Dragon Society (WDS) through this writer. These include a top Yakuza assassin, a senior MI6 operative, an NSA representative, a representative from a new CIA faction, and others. They, together with our regular contacts, all agree that something big is coming.

The most colourful character to renew contact was a Mr. K, who was introduced to this writer years ago by Japanese military intelligence as the top assassin for the Yamaguchi-gumi mutual protection syndicate (this was before it splintered into three factions). The diminutive and serene-looking Mr. K says his job consists of chopping peoples’ fingers off, one knuckle at a time, until he extracts the information he needs. He then wraps the bodies in lead and dumps them in the ocean, something Takamasa Kawase of Japanese military intelligence independently confirmed. Mr. K also says that he has done work for the Mitsubishi banking conglomerate (presumably helping them locate missing funds).

It was an associate of Mr. K, the daughter of former Yamaguchi No. 2 boss Masaru Takumi, who insisted on meeting this writer on March 10, 2011 to set my mobile alarm to ring at exactly 11:00 AM on March 11, 2011, the day of the nuclear and tsunami terror attack on Japan.

Trucks were also spotted bringing large amounts of emergency relief supplies to the Yagamaguchi-gumi’s headquarters in the days before the January 17, 1995 Kobe earthquake, according to Kobe residents who live near their headquarters. As a result, their gang was far faster than the central government to provide relief supplies to quake-stricken residents of Kobe.

Now Mr. K says his group has become “spiritual in nature” and that starting in late October…

… the world will experience “earthquakes, storms, and other disasters” that will result in a large drop in the world’s population before “a happy new era” begins. Mr. K was evasive about details, but did say something could happen in Japan just before the October 22nd Japanese general election that Asian secret society sources say will result in the ouster of Khazarian slave Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.

Japanese gangsters have told this writer on numerous occasion that they get billions of dollars in payments from the Khazarian-controlled Bank of Japan in return for acting as their enforcers. It is clear they have been told to do all they can to keep Khazarian proxies like Abe in power, under threat of new attacks on Japan with earthquake weapons.

The WDS conveyed a message via Mr. K and others that should the P2 Freemasons and their bosses in Zug, Switzerland try another stunt like Fukushima, there would be serious retaliation. There are three nuclear weapons that have been placed in top Khazarian power spots by the Gnostic Illuminati with the purpose of reminding them that mass destruction is a two-way street, Illuminati sources say. It has also been recommended to the U.S. military that they physically occupy the Bank of Japan and round up the people distributing its money to gangsters. They know exactly who they are and where they are. Crown Prince Naruhito is ready to point out all of them if asked, say sources in the Three Legged Crow secret society.

In any case, Mr. K is not the only person predicting that something unusual is about to happen. The world’s media, for example, have taken note of U.S. President Donald Trump’s recent hints of ominous things to come.

Pentagon sources explain that, “After the Las Vegas massacre and an Israeli ambush that killed 4 U.S. special forces troops in Niger, [White House Chief of Staff General John] Kelly summoned the Joint Chiefs of Staff and combatant commanders to the White House on October 5 to bring all hands on deck to back Trump against the NFL, Antifa, the deep state, and the cabal.” The source continued by noting, “Even NSA boss Admiral Mike Rogers and Pacific Commander-in-Chief Admiral Harry Harris were invited, as Trump said cryptically that this is ‘the calm before the storm.’” The “storm” would take place in the form of mass arrests, the issuance of a new currency, and the launch of a global currency reset, the source said.

“‘Calm before the storm’ means the swamp is about to be cleaned out and they are all scared sh#tless, so we better take a picture,” a CIA source confirmed.

The mass killing operation in Las Vegas and the accompanying corporate media BS storm about a single, now-dead killer being responsible was a fatal mistake by the Khazarian mafia, many sources agree. The Internet is full of videos showing that multiple shooters were involved, and calls for comprehensive revenge are being made. By promoting this obvious lie, the FBI, nominally in charge of the Las Vegas investigation, has made itself a target of the U.S. military and other agencies.

It has already been leaked all over the Internet by insiders that casino mogul Sheldon Adelson and former Homeland Security Chief Michael Chertoff were planning to make a fortune by using this incident as an excuse to make metal detectors manufactured by a company they own mandatory at all concerts, bus terminals, etc. Instead, both men are now hunted, if not already dead.

A different CIA source says that Las Vegas is run by the Chicago Mob and that even honchos like Adelson and Chertoff are just front men for the Italians. “It is Florentine nobility running the Chicago Outfit and the remnant of the Jewish Mafia. The Chicago Outfit is involved in weapons, drugs, and human trafficking across the U.S.-Mexican border. John DiFronzo is a top boss of the Chicago Outfit along with his brother Peter DiFronzo,” this source says. In other words, it is the fascist P2 Freemasons who were ultimately behind the Las Vegas Gladio-style operation. The FBI is a P2 subsidiary and you can expect tanks at their headquarters soon.

Another Khazarian power center that is under attack is their control of academia. “To improve meritocracy to make America great again, the Jewish bastion Harvard University is under a Department of Justice probe for overrepresentation of Jews and helping mediocre Jews like [Trump son-in-law] Jared Kushner steal admissions from more qualified whites and Asians,” the Pentagon sources say.

Also, “Hollywood and the Democrats are reeling as the New York Times was ordered to do a hit piece on a fellow Jew, the serial sexual predator film producer and major Hillary and Obama fundraiser Harvey Weinstein,” the sources say. Of course, the New York Times story…

…is just the tip of the iceberg, and you can be sure much worse revelations about murder, rape, pedophilia, and human sacrifice rampant in Hollywood will come out.

Donald Trump himself is clearly being pulled at by opposing forces. While some CIA and Pentagon sources portray him as a hero who will “drain the swamp,” other CIA sources say he is “drugged and blackmailed.” A clearly visible sign of a split in the U.S. government came last week when the CIA, speaking on the record, contradicted Trump’s statements about North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un being a madman. The CIA made it clear that if a war was started on the Korean Peninsula, it would not be started by the North.

Now that the campaign to use North Korea as an excuse to start World War 3 is being undermined, the Khazarians are trying to reignite tensions with Iran as an excuse to start their Gog-versus-Magog end-times war. However, Pentagon sources say the Iran thing is not going to happen either.

The big reason for the rise in tension in the U.S. is that the Washington D.C. Corporation—not to be confused with the Republic of the United States of America—missed a payment deadline that came due on September 30th, its fiscal year end, say MI6 sources. The U.S. government’s budget had a $1 trillion shortfall and the situation has reached the point that, by its own estimates, its net worth is minus $65 trillion.

The MI6 sources say that when the payment deadline was missed, an extension was granted that lasts until October 17th. However, previous reports say that an extension was granted until December 15th, so it is not wise to fixate on a particular date. It is clear that this year is proving to be especially difficult for the U.S. corporate government to find money to keep its operations going.

Another reason the Khazarians are flirting with real bankruptcy and loss of power this time is the demise of their petrodollar. Saudi Arabian King Salman (or perhaps his body double) made the first-ever visit by a reigning Saudi monarch to Russia last week. The Saudis agreed to buy arms from Russia and reached many other deals, according to various press releases. Furthermore, the Saudis also talked about the possibility of ending the petrodollar by selling their oil for currencies other than the U.S. dollar, Pentagon sources say. This led the U.S. military to issue a veiled threat to the Saudis by suspending all military exercises with the Saudis and their allies.

The Pentagon still needs Saudi oil to run its machines and Saudi money to pay its salaries, and thus will not allow the complete death of the petrodollar until a comprehensive global financial reset is in place, Pentagon sources explain.

Another sign seen last week that something big was about to happen was a fire burning on the roof of the New York Federal Reserve Building.

If you want, you can believe the Fed’s story that a generator caught on fire, but a good guess is that they were burning evidence before the U.S. military makes their long-overdue move to occupy that criminal institution.

This autumn we have a real chance to permanently end criminal Khazarian rule of the planet. If you are in a position personally to take action, please do so.
Purge of Khazarian mobsters intensifies as Trump is kept safe in Asia
By Benjamin Fulford, White Dragon Society, November 6, 2017

There can be no doubt whatsoever that the worldwide purge of the Khazarian mafia now has reached a tipping point of no return, with arrests and purges in the U.S. and Saudi Arabia.

In the Middle East, Iran-linked Hezbollah now effectively rules Lebanon after Saudi puppet Prime Minister Saad Hariri was forced to resign. His resignation was followed by the purge of hundreds of princes, generals, religious leaders, and others by de facto Saudi King Muhammad bin Salman.

This purge was especially important because it cut off one of the last major remaining sources of Bush/Clinton mafia money and power. Many of the princes purged were homosexually bonded with members of the Bush family and their top lieutenants when they studied in the United States, according to confessions of Kay Griggs, wife of a Skull and Bones Society member, and others.

This is how Pentagon sources described the unfolding crackdown: “The Saudi purge of the Bush-Clinton pedo terror faction—including [Osama Bin Laden’s brother] Bakr bin Laden and anti-Trumper [Prince] Al-Waleed bin Talal—is timed to the Paradise Papers leak,

…the arrest of Tony Podesta, and the surrender of Hillary Clinton and John Podesta.” Tony Podesta is a powerful Washington lobbyist whose brother John was campaign manager for Hillary Clinton (Rockefeller) and chief of staff for Bill Clinton (Rockefeller). Al-Waleed bought large shareholdings of Rockefeller’s Citibank.

The ramifications of these leaks, arrests, and purges reach out in many directions. Aftershocks, further arrests, and further purges are sure to be felt and seen in the Middle East, Japan, Europe, and the U.S. over the coming days.

Already, Trump Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross (child) has been implicated. So has Canadian magnate Stephen Bronfman, whose family made its fortune selling booze to Al Capone. These names are just the tip of the iceberg.

The start of the purge was timed to coincide with Trump’s visit to Asia so as to be able to more easily protect Trump and his family from retaliatory action, say Pentagon and CIA sources.

However, in a sign that the battle is far from over, two separate warnings were conveyed to this writer last week concerning Trump. One was a “source close to North Korea,” and the other a veteran CIA officer stationed in Asia. The North Korean-linked source said that if Trump…

…provoked a war against North Korea, “he would not leave Asia alive.” The CIA source, for his part, said, “I heard whispers in the shadows that there is a special surprise waiting for him in Vietnam, and it is not his meeting with Putin on the sidelines.”

From an Asian perspective, the purge of Prince Al-Waleed is interesting because he is a main actor behind the $100 billion Saudi fund for Korean-Japanese tycoon Masayoshi Son. Son is the guy who bought the Rockefeller-linked Fortress Investment Group. Fortress owns Musashi Engineering, the company that makes the voting machines that steal elections for slave Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and his party.

This is what CIA in Asia had to say about him: “Regarding Masayoshi Son, expect a heart attack or ritual suicide—from the stress, of course. This could be a Christmas or New Year’s gift to the people of Japan.”

For now, though, the Japanese slave political establishment, sensing that their survival is at stake, is working as hard as it can to suck up to Trump as he visits this country. Sources close to the imperial family say the Emperor rewarded Trump with a bond worth One Quadrillion Yen (about $9 trillion), courtesy of Henry Kissinger.

This may buy time for the Washington, D.C. Corporation of which Trump is President, but its real fate is more likely to be decided in Vietnam when Trump meets with Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping.

Pentagon sources think Xi is now the true strongman of China, and offered the following analysis of his post-Congress position:

“It appears that Chairman Xi is now paramount leader with no anointed successor and control of five votes on the Politburo Standing Committee (PBSC), since Han Zheng is the only guy from the Shanghai or Jiang faction, and Prime Minister Li Keqiang is from the Hu faction. The other four guys are colorless and loyal to Xi, even though they rose under Hu and Jiang. Wang Huning appears to provide continuity, since he also worked for both Jiang and Hu.”

However, Chinese intelligence sources tell this writer that Xi Jinping was chosen as leader because he is tall and looks good in G20 photo shoots, but that he is really just a figurehead for collective decisionmaking. The overall balance in the Politburo Standing Committee is two votes for Southern China (Guandong), two for Coastal China (Shanghai), and three for the North and the interior (Beijing).

In any case, the new Chinese regime is ready to take action, and if the world is lucky, they will ignore Khazarian bluffs about starting World War 3 and will force bankruptcy of the world, disrupting and terrorizing the D.C. Corporation. Let’s see what happens in Vietnam on November 10 and 11 and keep our fingers crossed.

The owner of the D.C. Corporation—the Federal Reserve Board—has no more Khazarians on its board of directors now that Janet Yellen, Stan Fischer, and now Goldmanite New York Fed Chief William Dudley have been forced out. The new non-Khazarian management of the Fed will be left holding the bag, because the system they are taking over is collapsing, whether they wish it or not.

In October, the first month after the U.S. Corporate government failed to meet its September 30th payment deadline, U.S. government debt rose by $200 billion in a single month, while 960,000 people left the workforce. This same government is pretending its wholly-owned Puerto Rico subsidiary has no electricity because of a hurricane, and not because it is unable to pay its electricity bills. Meanwhile, despite a collapsing real economy, the stock market keeps reaching new highs, thanks in large part to buying by the Rothschild-owned Swiss central bank.

It also appears the Khazarians are running out of places from which to steal gold. Remember how the Canadian government announced its gold reserves ran out in March of 2016?

Well, it appears they have resorted to selling fake gold since then, given that the Royal Canadian Mint has been caught selling a fake gold bar.

Don’t forget about U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin tweeting from Fort Knox on the day of the August 21st solar eclipse that he is “Glad gold is safe,” without offering an ounce (let alone a gram) of proof that this was true.

The sooner the U.S. military and agencies reboot the entire U.S. government structure, hopefully with Canadian help, the less the ultimate pain will be.

In any case, the U.S. military and agency white hats are definitely continuing their purge of Khazarian mob influence. Pentagon sources say the charges leveled against former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort for failing to register as a foreign agent “may be a new normal to shut down lobbyists and Jewish [Khazarian] organizations like AIPAC (the American Israel Public Affairs Committee) for acting as unregistered foreign agents of Israel.”

Also, the purge of Hollywood is starting to snowball. Here is how a Pentagon source summed up the situation: “Harveywood morphed into Pedowood, as Kevin Spacey was exposed as pedo who also flew on Jeff Epstein’s plane, ‘the Lolita Express,’ with Bill Clinton. Spacey was forced to come out of closet as gay to conflate LGBT with pedos to stop the Khazarian normalization of homos, pedos, and pederasts.”

The source continued by noting that, “After Harvey Weinstein, punishment was ‘fast n furious’ as Netflix fired Spacey from ‘House of Cards,’ CBS may remove Khazarian actor Jeremy Piven from the TV drama ‘Wisdom of the Crowd’ or cancel the show, and another Khazarian predator producer/director Brett Ratner lost his Warner Brothers deal and was kicked off the studio lot for sexual assault.”

According to U.S. Naval Intelligence, the real force behind the purge of Hollywood has been the NSA, which has been quietly informing victims of pederasts that they can provide proof to back up their accusations against their tormentors.

Now that Washington, D.C. politicians, academia, and Hollywood are being purged of satanic Khazarian gangster control, we assume the medical and pharmacidical establishments will be next on the list. A heavy-duty raid on the American Medical Association headquarters, with a special focus on cancer-related information, would be a very good place to start. On this front, we understand that Bill Gates has already been singing like a canary under special custody.

It’s certain that the war against the genocidal satan-worshipping Khazarian mob is not over yet, but it is no longer possible to deny that they are losing and doomed. They have been warned to “surrender or die.” We expect both to happen in increasing quantities before the nightmare ends and humanity is freed.
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