FOOTBALL Charlotte Game Canceled...

“After facing unprecedented challenges, Coach Stockstill seemed to turn the corner with 2 wins in a 3 game span. Then the virus stole momentum and we finished on a down note. However, the wins against FIU and Rice demonstrated this team’s don’t give up attitude and Coach Stockstill has committed to staying the course until we get this turned around. I believe Rick will get this turned around and am pleased to offer him an extension through the 2030 season. Coach Stockstill and I look forward to great things in the future. EATT”- Chris Massaro on Nov 30
“After facing unprecedented challenges, Coach Stockstill seemed to turn the corner with 2 wins in a 3 game span. Then the virus stole momentum and we finished on a down note. However, the wins against FIU and Rice demonstrated this team’s don’t give up attitude and Coach Stockstill has committed to staying the course until we get this turned around. I believe Rick will get this turned around and am pleased to offer him an extension through the 2030 season. Coach Stockstill and I look forward to great things in the future. EATT”- Chris Massaro on Nov 30

No matter what anybody thinks of the current status of MT football, this is funny :)