Bad Poll News for Obama, Big Government and the Democrat Party


All American
Jul 9, 2010
Bad Poll News for Obama, Big Government and the Democrat Party October 06, 2014


RUSH: There's also, ladies and gentlemen, there's another poll. Actually a couple of polls out there. Voter opposition to Obama is at a 16-year high. Voter opposition to Obama is worse than voter opposition ever was to George W. Bush. Now, you wouldn't know this because the Drive-Bys of course are not talking about it. They're not reporting it on a daily basis. They have not been reporting Obama's decline in favorability with the American people and the people who voted for him, like they chronicled it with Bush multiple times a day, much less multiple times a week.

The AP has a funny story. Well, it's funny in the way it's reported. The headline: "Americans Worry -- Can Government Protect Us?" And what's funny about this, this is an AP story reporting an AP poll. And you have to dig hard to find the numbers, because they're so bad. For example, in one result they use the term "nine in 10." Nine out of 10 Americans, blah, blah. Instead of saying 90%. They have really reduced the use of numbers in this piece so that the low-information crowd will not realize the full impact of it.

Here's the thing that worries about it. This is gonna featured with details coming up here. But the thing that worries me about this, we've talked about this in terms of the Millennials before. It used to be, and it wasn't that long ago, if you had a poll that showed something like nine out of 10 Americans worry that government can't protect 'em, that would automatically redound nagatively to Democrats. But it doesn't today, necessarily, as we have found.

The Millennials, for example, are losing faith in America, not the Democrat Party, not Obama. They are responding negatively poll after poll to Obama policy after Obama policy after Democrat Party policy, and it isn't working for 'em, and they're very down and out about their futures. But they think it means the country's best days are behind us. They don't associate it, at least a significant number of them don't, associate that failure of government with failure of the Democrat Party. For some reason -- well, it's not for some reason. We know why. They do not associate the Democrat Party with the party of Big Government.

Now, stop and think. How could the Republicans have possibly lost that? The Republican Party used to be known as the party of limited small government, and by virtue of that the Democrats were known government as the part of Big Government. That's not automatic anymore. That is a huge branding loss. Anyway, details on all of that and more are coming up.

But that nine out of 10 number, by the way, that the AP refuses to call 90%, 90% of those polled say they are likely to vote in the November election and say the economy is an extremely or very important issue, which would not redound well to the party in power, which in this case is the party in the White House. But even the poll question, "Can government protect us?" What does government not have a hand in anymore?

When you get right down to it, what does government not have a hand in? The government's hand is in virtually everything you do, including what you say, including, if Michelle Obama had her druthers, what you eat. The government's determining what kind of car you drive or want to. The government's determining the lightbulb ban. Can government do enough to save us? Can government protect us? And you've got Ebola. The government's got its hands in the name of the Washington Redskins. The government's got its hands in whatever's going on the NFL, be it concussions or domestic abuse.

And then there's a poll at "Democrats Start to Point Fingers." And this one's kind of surprising because of the source,, talking about trouble in the Democrat Party and Democrat paradise.


RUSH: "Angry and frustrated voters are planning to use the midterm elections in one month to tell President Obama they oppose his agenda, the highest 'no vote' percentage in the last 16 years measured by Gallup. The polling outfit found that 32% of voters want to send a message of opposition with their vote, compared to just 20% who are sending a signal of support.

"That is 13 points higher than in 1998 when former President Clinton was headed to impeachment for lying about his sex affair with" Monica Lewinsky, and it's higher "than in 2008, when Americans were tired of President Bush's military actions in Iraq and Afghanistan." I know. Don't get me started on that again. They were "tired" of it because they'd been talked into it for five years.

Now, this question is not new. It was first asked by Gallup back in 1998. Question reads this way: "'Will your vote for a candidate be made in order to send a message that you SUPPORT Barack Obama, be made in order to send a message that you oppose Barack Obama, or will you NOT be sending a message about Barack Obama with your vote?' Not surprisingly, Republicans want to use their vote as a megaphone of opposition," and then begun quotes the numbers here.

The story is in the Washington Examiner, but it is a huge number here. It's a 16-year high. People are actually responding to a question about whether or not their vote is specifically a message of opposition to Obama. It's a huge number. It's the biggest, I think, since Gallup has been asking the question. It's not that long ago, 1998. Republicans have, I'm sure, strategists and consultants and pollsters which have told them something similar to this. That is one of the reasons why the Republicans are just standing mute and not saying anything.

They think that by opening up they might make of themselves targets, and they really believe the more they're invisible, the more they're not even on people's minds, the better the outcome will be. I understand that, by the way, but I still think it's just a tremendous opportunity. I mean, look, you've got a record high number of people who claim that their vote is to send a message of opposition to Barack Obama. To me, that's a golden opportunity to build on it, expand the number of people by virtue of education.

Here again, it seems to be a large number of people just waiting for a connection. You know, the majority opposition to Obamacare seems to me to have always been an opportunity for the Republicans to connect with a majority of the American people on something, Obamacare. Another one is the economy and jobs. There are any number of things that people oppose in great numbers what Obama is doing, a majority.

Immigration's another made to order, but of course we know where the Republicans are on that. But they are passing up these opportunities to forge a connection with a majority body of thought. I can't help but think it's a missed opportunity. It's an opportunity to actually forge an alliance with people and let them know you think the same way, you're on the same page with 'em. But they're opting to stand mute.


Related Links

The Hill: Democrats Start to Point Fingers